An urban legend, spread after the Second World War, which recounts the birth of what is commonly called the "feast of woman " , dating from March 1908 through eight, when 129 workers of the Cottons or Cotton shirt factory in New York, strike to demand better working conditions, were closed by their employer in the factory and Mr. Johnson died in a fire that grew into them, and then to remember and honor these women came to the party. But all the research done to validate this hypothesis are not reflected in reality, no trace was found of the existence of the factory or Cottons and Cotton is possible that this story may have taken origin from the merger of two real events:
a strike of 20,000 workers in New York Triangle Shirtwaist Company in New York, which lasted from 22 November 1908 to 15 February 1909, linked to trade union demands and
the second tragedy in which 25 March 1911 in the same factory, the Triangle Shirtwaist Company in New York, because of inadequate safety measures, died burned alive 146 workers, of which most immigrant women. The workers, for fear that stolen tissue or did too many breaks, had been locked in a room on the eighth floor of the building, owners Max Blanck and Isaac Harris, which despite being the tenth floor were saved but did not free the trapped workers. Max Blanck and Isaac Harris underwent a process that saw them acquitted, and to make matters worse, they received $ 445 of insurance other compensation for each dead person and the families of its workers received only 75.
firefighters engaged in extinguishing the fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company factory
Le salme degli operai morti
Processione in onore degli operai morti
L'imput alla genesi di un giorno dedicato alla donna lo si scorge per la prima volta, in una delle consuete conferenze che il partito socialista di Chicago teneva ogni domenica al Garrikc theater e precisamente in quella presieduta dalla socialista Corinne Brown, svoltasi il 3 maggio 1908 e a cui fu dato il nome di "Woman's day", i temi trattati furono lo sfruttamento delle operaie da parte dei datori di lavoro: il loro basso salario e i massacranti orari di lavoro, il diritto di voto e le discriminazioni sessuali.
Il passo successivo avvenne il 28 febbraio 1909 quando tutte le sedi del partito socialisa americano dedicarono l'ultima domenica di febbraio alle manifestazioni per il diritto di voto alle donne.
Il 26 e 27 agosto 1910, nell'edificio del movimento operaio, al 69 di Jagtvej, nella Folkets Hus - Casa del Popolo (Subsequently called "Ungdomshuset"), Copenhagen, during the Second International Conference of Socialist Women, "was taken as the resolution," a motion to establish an International Women's Day in which claim their rights, quoted in Die Gleichheit motion, written by Clara Zetkin.
Clara Zetkin
In Europe, the International Day of Women did not have a steady growth:
March 18, 1911 day of the fortieth anniversary of the Paris, France had its first International Women's Day, which will repeat organized by the Socialist Party on March 9 1914.
On 19 March 1911, Austria, Germany, Denmark and Switzerland have their first International Women's Day, according to what he says Aleksandra Kollontaj, in memory of 19 March 1848 ; date on which the king of Prussia had to submit to a revolt del popolo promettendo ma non mantenendo tra le altre cose, anche il diritto di voto alle donne. In Germania venne poi ripetuta l'otto marzo del 1914.
On 19 March 1911, Austria, Germany, Denmark and Switzerland have their first International Women's Day, according to what he says Aleksandra Kollontaj, in memory of 19 March 1848 ; date on which the king of Prussia had to submit to a revolt del popolo promettendo ma non mantenendo tra le altre cose, anche il diritto di voto alle donne. In Germania venne poi ripetuta l'otto marzo del 1914.
Aleksandra Kollontaj
Il 3 marzo 1913 la Giornata internazionale della donna arriva per la prima volta in Russia, precisamente a San Pietroburgo dove il partito bolscevico partecipa con una manifestazione nella Borsa Kalašaikovskij, la polizia zarista however, ending the event occurs. 23 February 1917 of the Julian calendar, the March 8th of the Gregorian calendar Russian women emerge, calling for the end of World War I in which they had fallen about two million Russian soldiers unleashed a series of protests leading to the fall of Tsar and to obtain voting rights for women and that will be remembered as "the Russian Revolution of February," On June 14, 1921, in commemoration of this date during the second international conference of Communist women who takes place in Moscow, it was decided to set the March 8 "International Worker's Day."
On 12 March 1922 International Women's Day makes its appearance in Italy supported by the Italian Communist Party that puts the first Sunday after March through eight. Taking a step back in time we get to September 1944 when the women of the PCI (Italian Communist Party), the PSI (Italian Socialist Party), Democrat of Labour, the Left Party and the Christian 's claim based UDI (Union Women in Italy) and set the following year, organized the International Women's Day on March 8, 1945. The end of the second World War II in 1946 allows organizations across Italy (although it was not yet a national celebration), the International Women's Day this year and is the brainchild of Teresa Noce, Rita Montagnana and Teresa Mattei, appears in his most famous symbol, the mimosa, which blooms in March and represents the renewal and victory.
Teresa Noce
Rita Montagnana
Teresa Mattei
The fifties are not a good time for International Women's Day , the distribution of mimosa and the monthly "We Women" published by hearing, are seen as an act "likely to disturb public order" and the bill introduced in parliament in 1959 by Joseph Palumbo Luisa Giuliana Nenni Balboni and not getting any successful.
Giuseppina Palumbo
Giuliana Nenni
International Day Women's 8 March 1972 in which feminists shouting their slogan: "Tremble Tremble witches are back" - "Woman, woman did not stop fighting, life-changing" - "the uterus is mine and manage it, "organized in Campo de 'Fiori in Rome e sostenuta dall'attrice americana Jane Fonda viene repressa dalla polizia a colpi di manganelli.
Le Nazioni Unite, dichiarono il 1975, come " Anno internazionale delle donne " e da quell'anno riconoscono l'8 marzo come "giornata dedicata alla donna" e nel 1977 proclamano una " giornata delle Nazioni Unite per i diritti della donna e la pace internazionale " che riconosce l'importanza della donna nella vita civile e sociale, impegnata attivamente a promuovere la pace.
Exhibition 1977
Repression of the 1977 event
Happy International Women's Day to you Sunshine , you Elettra and to all of you !
Celebrating with a smile, remembering our grandmothers and our mothers, who fought on the front line, so that today, we, with our daughters and our grandchildren could enjoy of our rights, even if they are often violated THERE!
I extend best wishes to all those women who still are not free and live their lives in suffering!
conclude with a tribute to Thomas who is a real gentleman and reserves a kind gesture to women!
Happy International Women's Day to you Sunshine , you Elettra and to all of you !
Celebrating with a smile, remembering our grandmothers and our mothers, who fought on the front line, so that today, we, with our daughters and our grandchildren could enjoy of our rights, even if they are often violated THERE!
I extend best wishes to all those women who still are not free and live their lives in suffering!
conclude with a tribute to Thomas who is a real gentleman and reserves a kind gesture to women!
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