the March 8 International Day Worker
International Women's Day.
The International Women's Day, commonly called Women's Day, occurs on 8 March each year to commemorate the achievements and social, political and economic conditions of women, both discrimination and violence they are yet declared in many parts of the world.
On 8 March 1917, celebrations were interrupted by World War in all the belligerent countries, while in St. Petersburg, 8 March 1917 - February 23 according to the Julian calendar then in force in Russia - the women of the capital led a major event that claimed the end of the war: the sluggish reaction of the Cossacks sent to quell the protest, encouraged further protests that led to the collapse of Tsarism, now completely discredited and even without the support of the armed forces, so that 8 March 1917 remained in history to indicate the beginning of the "Russian Revolution of February." For this reason, and to fix a common day for all countries, 14 June 1921 the Second international conference of Communist women, held in Moscow a week before the opening of the Third Congress of the Communist set at 8 March, the "International Day of the worker." In Italy the
International Women's Day was held for the first time only in 1922 on the initiative of the Communist Party of Italy, who wanted to celebrate March 12 as the first Sunday after the now fateful March 8. In those days it was founded the biweekly magazine Partner, on 1 March 1925 that brought an article by Lenin, who died the previous year, recalled that on 8 March as International Women's Day, which had taken an active part in social struggles and in the overthrow of Tsarism. The strong political connotation
Women's Day, the political isolation of Russia and the communist movement and, finally, the events of World War II, contributed to the loss of historical memory of the real origins of the event. So after the war began to circulate fanciful versions, according to which the March 8 would remember the deaths of hundreds of workers in the fire in a non-existent shirt factory Cotton Cottons or occurred in 1908 in New York, which is likely to be confused with a real tragedy that occurred in that city March 25, 1911, the Triangle factory fire, which killed 146 workers, mostly young immigrant women from Europe. Other versions cited the violent police repression of a textile workers union alleged event took place in New York in 1857, [3] while others reported that strikes or accidents that occurred in Chicago, Boston or New York.
Despite the research carried out by different feminists in the late 70s and 80s have shown the error of these reconstructions, the same is still widespread among the mass propaganda in the media trade unions
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