1 March 2011:
"First in March 2011: 24 hours without us." After the great mobilization of 2010, returns this year in Italy throughout the day and anti-racist struggle for migrant rights and against racism.
"What would happen if the four million and a half of immigrants living in Italy decided to fold their arms for one day? And if you support their action there were also millions of Italians tired of racism? "So opens the declaration of the" First National Coordination Committee in March, which brings together dozens of local groups and engaged in various forms in organizing the "strike foreigners "foreigners" not in terms of master - continues on the First blog in March 2011 and on their Facebook profile - but because strangers to the climate of racism that poisons Italy this. Natives and immigrants, united in the same battle of civilizations. "
Dozens of cities where there will be initiatives, Tuesday, March 1, across Italy. Already today, Monday, Feb. 28 in Turin, a first skirmish with the employment agency temp "job objective" on Via Milano.
Tuesday, March 1, however, in Brescia, the appointment is in Piazza Loggia, with a garrison from 15 to 19.
Appeals national movement before March
together against racism, against blackmail, for the rights of all people
First Last March more than 300 thousand people have rallied across Italy to say no to racism, the Bossi-Fini law, the security package to CIE and yes to a more just and multicultural society. In many cities, Italian and migrant workers chose to strike together, united by the realization that the institutionalized racism (in defiance of our Constitution as well as international law and European legislation), policies of exclusion, exploitation of labor violations rights are pieces of a single strategy of repression, from the weakest and most defenseless, aspires to strike and impose all the precariousness of life as a horizon.
and Italian Migrants have argued in this way an idea to strike other than the dominant (not a tool of protest in the hands of unions, but a constitutional right, an inalienable and individual) have shown that you can join and take the ' initiative from below in response to blackmail. They have in fact exceeded the conflict between natives and foreigners, and ushered in a season of commitment and effort , rejection of the blackmail and exploitation, passed by the strike of the round in Campania to the occupations of the crane and the tower in Brescia and Milan, Pomigliano at Mirafiori, on mobilizing students metalworkers' strike marked by demonstrations against racism and in Bologna, Florence, Trieste and in many other Italian cities.
The Italian situation today is different from that of a year ago and perhaps even more serious. There was another Rosarno but the effects of the crisis feel more and more, affecting in particular migrants : Thousands at risk of losing their residence permit, which allowed thousands have not are referred to as convicted criminals and illegal workers run by foremen. For any and all live under the blackmail of the daily institutional racism. In this context the Bossi-Fini law (in particular its claim to link the permit soggiorno al contratto di lavoro con il “contratto di soggiorno”) si rivela più che mai come una legge inadeguata e ipocrita , che non combatte la clandestinità ma la crea, favorendo sfruttamento e lavoro nero e ponendo i migranti in una condizione di costante ricattabilità. Per oltre 50mila immigrati, vittime della sanatoria truffa, non è stata trovata ancora una soluzione . Nel frattempo il governo è tornato a lanciare la lotteria del decreto flussi che – come tutti sanno – funziona principalmente da sanatoria mascherata . La questione della cittadinanza rimane insoluta e centinaia di giovani nati o cresciuti in Italia continuano a sottostare a una legge che non riconosce their rights or citizenship. The revolutions of the square that are passing through North Africa indicate an aspiration to freedom of migration that has one of its forms and that is leading to an expected increase of landings (never interrupted for more) on our shores: the face of all this Italian answer is proving to be inadequate and hypocritical: is evoked once again a non-existent "state of emergency" only to respect the right of asylum and avoid welcome people who are arriving on our shores. This tells us that while many problems without celebrating the wave of democracy in North Africa, migration unite the two shores of the Mediterranean: in the spirit of the Charter of Migrants recently approved to Gorée (Senegal), we know that the problem of Italian democracy is in Tunis, as well as that of Tunisia is also in Rome or Paris. While the struggle for democracy in North Africa, we can not accept the racist logic of the 'let's help at home, because migrants also tell us that you struggle to move and change their living conditions. That's what we do together on March 1.
In this context, migrants are more of a force. For economic reasons, as has been pointed out many times: in fact produce a substantial proportion of GDP (11%), feed le casse dello Stato con le tasse e i contributi previdenziali, sopperiscono con il lavoro di cura alle carenze strutturali del welfare italiano. Ma anche per ragioni sociali e culturali : rappresentano infatti una parte attiva e determinante nella costruzione di società diversa: più ricca, variegata, multiculturale e capace di guardare al futuro. Senza di loro, senza i bambini figli di migranti e coppie miste, l’Italia sarebbe oggi una nazione destinata ad estinguersi. Soprattutto, i migranti sono una forza politica per costruire una società diversa , per non limitarsi a difendere i diritti ma reagire ai ricatti conquistandone di nuovi.
Per questo lanciamo un appello per costruire il prossimo primo March, a great new day of strikes and mobilization for immigrants and migrants. But, I strongly emphasized, it is not an ethnic strike: there never was and there is the idea of \u200b\u200ban ethnic strike. In several areas are already active routes that include strikes, demonstrations and principals. We believe that the instrument of the strike is the most strong to carry on this fight , migrants and Italians together against the blackmail, racism, exploitation and ask
- the repeal of Bossi-Fini and In particular, the link between employment contract and residence permit ("residence contract");
- To combat illegal employment and exploitation of migrant workers : claim the application and the extension of Article 18 of the Consolidated immigration as protection for all workers who reported being forced to the irregularity of work
- the repeal of the crime of illegal immigration and the security package measures that are already outlawed because in contrast with the European directive on returns;
- the abolition of the permit to stay in points activation of measures, including economic, to ensure the right to study and learn Italian;
- The closure of the CIE ;
- a regularization that is a real solution and respectful of human rights and dignity for the victims of the amnesty scam ;
- the transition from the concept of jus sanguinis to jus in just as pivotal for the recognition of citizenship and a law guaranteeing the exercise of full citizenship to those born and raised in Italy,
- recognition of the right to choose where to live and take up residence, the more crucial right at a time like we are going through in which we are all potential migrants;
- an organic law and adequate for the protection of refugees and asylum seekers ;
We ask everyone to be leaders and to support the mobilization of migrants next March 1. The unions are not asking for lip service, but to be active at all levels to provide practical support for workers, migrants and Italians together, decide to abstain from work in factories, cooperatives, and in all places of work more or less formal . All such sent this day, to ensure the right to strike for the rights of all people, to build together a diverse and multicultural rejecting any complicity with regulatory measures that legalize exploitation, racism, prejudice and fear.
March 1 will see a mobilization as widespread as possible, to allow maximum participation, both in case of strikes, both in the case of principals and events.
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