Napolitano: women, contrasting the commonplace
"In Italy, as in all democratic states, women have achieved many goals, but in this journey towards equality, there was a sharp acceleration in the last fifty years." This was stated by the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano during his speech at the Quirinale for the celebration of International Women's Day, opportunity to retrace the route taken by the status of women in the 150 anniversary of the unification of Italy.
"The merit - he added - is mainly due to the commitment of fighting women, their ability to unite and firmly assert their rights. Today we can say that the degree of commitment to women's equality, the 'affirmation of their role in various social environments, the level of equality, dignity and consideration which they enjoy are the main indicators of the maturity and state of health of democratic systems. "
"However - said the Head of State - Italian women are still far from having achieved equality in many fields. Suffice it to recall the gender gap, which is also the international relations, political representation, media, still somewhat public career in the conduct of business in general is enough to recall the gap and eliminate bottlenecks in access to weigh work. Suffer especially girls, young women seeking employment: and to understand what energies and potentials that are likely to be sacrificed, just to see - just port this example - as you claim Italian scientists such as those I've met a few days ago at CERN Geneva.
"But I think - he added - in order to achieve substantive equality is needed to affect mainly on popular culture: the conception of the role of women, persistent and widespread imbalances in relations between the sexes, an image that reduces consumer from subject to subject, propitiating aggressive behavior of up to crime. To promote the path towards substantive equality, the school must do much and the media that transmit values \u200b\u200bthrough, and a major responsibility falls on those who have prominent roles in all fields and professions, women in particular, offer sound touches models.
not only how many have special functions and visibility, but it is all women, in everyday life, the duty to combat luoghi comuni, di esigere rispetto e considerazione". "Ne consegue - ha rilevato il Presidente - che l'ulteriore cammino verso la parità di genere non può non essere parte di una generale ripresa di valori civili".Il Presidente della Repubblica nel corso del suo intervento ha anche sottolineato come "in occasione del 150esimo anniversario dell'Unità d'Italia ci si sta giustamente adoperando per valorizzare la partecipazione femminile al percorso risorgimentale". "Il Risorgimento - ha detto - non aveva come solo obiettivo l'Unità nazionale, ma si proponeva anche il rinnovamento istituzionale, civile e morale del paese. Il ramo femminile della carboneria aveva come motto "Onore e virtù". In questa necessaria opera di rinnovamento morale women today, like those of yesterday, I called to make a vital contribution. "
" And I'm sure - concluded the President Napolitano - that the new Italian, many immigrant women who have already become or will become our fellow citizens , the many who work with dedication and sense of propriety, they will also play their part ".-->
(from the site of the Quirinal)
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