careful to dismantle the global Colonel, FINANCE OVER THE WORLD would belly up - NOT JUST UNICREDIT, Finmeccanica, JUVENTUS: Libyan Investments 100 billion in more than 60 foreign companies, funds and property - London is the real financial branch in Tripoli - Freeze the equity Libyan economic and financial consequences may have a much broader scope of expensive crude ....
From Sole 24 Ore
Gaddafi yesterday when the British group Pearson froze the amount of 3.27% in the hands of Libyan sovereign fund, the leaders of the Italian bank UBAE must have felt a chill in the back. The institute, a joint venture between Italy and Libya, is in fact held to 67.55% from Tripoli. And they probably felt the same thrill of many: Tripoli, through its financial vehicles, is in fact present as a shareholder in at least 60 international companies. There is a complete map of the Libyan interests or economic interests, or of deposits abroad.
Gaddafi in flames But "The Sun 24 Ore», consultando molteplici fonti, ne ha costruita una. Parziale, certo. Ma sufficiente per capire quanto la guerra civile in Libia e i congelamenti di fondi possano frenare o rendere più difficile l'operatività di società in tutto il mondo. Insomma: tutti guardano all'effetto-petrolio, ma le conseguenze economico-finanziarie della crisi libica potrebbero avere una portata molto più ampia.
gheddafi b df deddd a f ae dfd Il network
È incredibile come un paese, uscito dalle sanzioni internazionali solamente nel 2003, sia riuscito a conquistare il mondo così velocemente. Eppure a suon di petrodollari - attraverso i veicoli finanziari Lia, Lafico e Libyan African Investment Portfolio - Tripoli l'ha fatto: solo la Libyan Investment Authority ha un patrimonio di 69 (c'è chi stima 100) miliardi di dollari in gran parte investito all'estero. Insieme alla Lafico e alla Banca centrale, Tripoli è azionista di almeno 60 società: dalle italiane UniCredit, Juventus, Retelit e Finmeccanica (in passato anche Fiat), a società inglesi, olandesi, irlandesi, africane. Negli Stati Uniti Tripoli non ha grandi partecipazioni, ma - secondo le recenti rivelazioni di Wikileaks - ha 32 miliardi di dollari di liquidità depositata (e ora congelata) nei conti delle banche Usa.
Unicredit piazza Cordusio Ci sono poi tutte le operazioni immobiliari, soprattutto a Londra: è per esempio libico il centro commerciale Portman House a Oxford Street. La capitale inglese, più che terreno di speculazione immobiliare, è però la vera e propria succursale finanziaria di Tripoli: a Londra Gheddafi ha per esempio posizionato i suoi due fondi, FM Capital Partners e Dalia Advisory. E in tanti sostengono che proprio da Londra si muovessero i sui investimenti. C'è poi l'Africa. Nel 2008 gli investimenti libici nel continente nero avevano già raggiunto 30 diversi stati, con figures are low - $ 1.5 billion - but relevant. Not only
. There are also all foreign investment in Libya, according to UNCTAD in 2009 totaled $ 15.5 billion. There are known links with Italy, strengthened by the cooperation agreement signed on August 30. But France also has significant interests: think, for example, that in 2007 BNP Paribas has acquired 16% of the local bank Sahara, with the goal to go up to 51%.
Juventus short: Libya is a small country (a GDP of 73 billion dollars in 2010, foreign direct investment days of just $ 15.5 billion and 6.5 million population), but the global impact of a Libyan crisis is potentially much larger because of the web of interests and economic interests woven in a few years post- sanctions by the Colonel.
Finmeccanica The potential impact of the crisis Libyan
What effect can produce abroad is clear in the record run in oil prices. But, as mentioned, the international implications could be far greater. For companies with the Libyans to shareholders (including Italian) are could create an impasse on the boards, "The events in Tripoli could certainly alter the balance on the boards of companies that the Libyans among the major shareholders - Alessandro Terzo noted economist Sace -. In short, this effect can be pat, but in the long run can slow down the decisions. "
libya This is the first possible effect. But there is a wider one resulting from the infection. The turmoil in Tripoli and North Africa are slowing down the entire investment of sovereign wealth funds much larger, as that of Abu Dhabi (600 billion dollar budget) financial vehicles full of money in the past have saved banks and international crisis.
protests in Libya The fact that Saudi Arabia has decided to spend 37 billion dollars for domestic reforms, coupled with the fact that Bahrain, Libya, Oman and Kuwait have increased domestic spending by an amount equal to 4% of GDP, has a specific meaning: the investments in international markets may soon fall.
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