EU, 1500 euro for the secretariat, the MEPs are increased funds
BRUSSELS - In spite of the austerity sent reminders to all of Europe, the Budget Commission of the EU Parliament has given the green light to an increase of 1,500 € monthly expenditure for the Secretariat of each of the 736 members of the EP. "It 'a scandal - the comment by Helga TRÜPEL, the Green MEP and member of the Budget - we call on all Member States and European workers to tighten their belts and then approved an increase which is not entirely justified. I voted against and tried to postpone the issue until a more appropriate ".
To determine the increase, the decision of the SD, the Alliance of Socialists and Democrats campaigning in which the Democratic Party, to vote on the location of the popular group, which include the Members of the PDL and the UDC, and conservatives. Against, in addition to the green, even the Liberal Democrats, which contains the IDV, and the United Left group. With this new upward revision, the MEPs will have € 21 000 available each month to pay their assistants and other office costs. The decision has the effect of increasing by 13.2 million a year the operating costs of the EU Parliament.
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