Nucleare, il giornalista Mario Tozzi: “I politici sono degli irresponsabili. Parlassero di meno e studiassero di più”
Mario Tozzi, maître à penser e mezzobusto televisivo dell’ambientalismo italiano, non usa mezzi termini nel commentare le reazioni di casa nostra al terremoto giapponese e alla minaccia di disastro nucleare. Le dichiarazioni dei vari Fabrizio Cicchitto e Pierferdinando Casini, a Tozzi non sono proprio piaciute. E’ un fiume in piena: “C’è da rimanere allibiti. Questi politici fanno finta di esser dei teorici di fisica nucleare. Non hanno nemmeno la decenza di usare la cautela che in situazioni come questa should be a must. "
Tozzi then not talk to the Messenger's editorial today signed by Oscar Giannino. An article that has climbed in the dark of the statements which were then blatantly denied. The reporter wrote that what happened in Japan was the "litmus test" of security of energy produced from the atom. "What a miserable figure to Giannino - attacks Tozzi - But one thing is served: to unmask the Italian habit to get into the chair and talk about things that do not know."
Faced with the threat of a nuclear disaster, the watchword of our local nuclear lobby is minimized. "Even the nightmare that is living in Japan at this time with the damage of a reactor - continues the journalist - is in Italy declined to a mere instrument of political propaganda and ideological. They defend the atom only because they can not go back. "
According to the host of "Gaia, the living planet" (which returns on Rai Tre since March 31) the most egregious lies of the pro-lobby are two atom: security and economy of this source of energy. That tragedy is the Japanese dramatically revealing.
"The central nucleari giapponesi – spiega Tozzi – sono state costruite per sopportare un terremoto di 8,5 gradi della scala Richter. Poi cos’è successo? E’ arrivato un sisma di 8,9 e le strutture non hanno retto”. Le centrali italiane saranno costruite per resistere a delle scosse di circa 7,1 gradi, ma, come sostiene Tozzi, “chi ci assicura che un giorno non arriverà un sisma più potente?”. Nessuno, appunto. Perché i terremoti sono fenomeni che non si possono prevedere. Inoltre il disastro giapponese è avvenuto nel paese tecnologicamente più avanzato del mondo. A Tokio infatti è radicata una seria cultura del rischio che è frutto di una profonda conoscenza di questi fenomeni. “Con which face the various tolla Cicchitto we are selling the idea that in Italy, in the event of an earthquake, things might go better in Japan? Aquila if the earthquake had occurred in Japan would not have even caused the fall of a ledge. We caused 300 deaths. Who can believe the ravings of the Italian nuclear safety? "Asks sarcastically Tozzi. It 's true that the nuclear accident is rare, but it is equally true that it is a thousand times more dangerous. And the Japanese case, according to Tozzi, is from the manual: "If a power plant's cooling system breaks down it becomes exactly like a huge atomic bomb. Perhaps this is the litmus test mentioned by Giannino.
And then there is the question of the alleged cost of energy produced from the atom. "The various political and alleged experts - argued Tozzi - you fill your mouth saying that the kilowatt-hour produced from the atom is cheaper than that produced by other sources. But it is not true. We know how much is really only when we inactivated the first kilogram of radioactive waste produced by power plants. And that is, between 30 thousand years. " According to the journalist, the lobby that wants the return of its nuclear propaganda value for money without considering externality, namely the additional costs that make lievitare il prezzo. Che vanno dallo smaltimento delle scorie (problema che nessun paese al mondo ha ancora risolto definitivamente) ai costi sociali ed economici di un eventuale incidente. “Sono soldi che i nuclearisti non conteggiano – dice Tozzi – perché sono costi che ricadranno sui cittadini e sulle generazioni future”.
Il 12 giugno è in programma un referendum che, fra le altre cose, chiede l’abrogazione del ritorno all’atomo dell’Italia. Il rimando a quanto successe a Chernobyl nel 1987, alle grandi mobilitazioni antinucleariste fino al referendum che sancì l’abbandono dell’energia nucleare è quasi d’obbligo. Ma a Mario Tozzi il paragone non convince: “Veniamo 25 years of numbness of conscience. Today we have people like Chicco Testa Umberto Veronesi and experts who make false and misleading ads that the public astray. " In short, the link between the incident that shook the conscience and the vote of the people that worked in 1987, today could fail. But on June 12 did not vote just to say no to the atom. Citizens are also called to speak out against the privatization of water resources and the law on such failure. Topics that next to no atom could convince people to go to the polls. And allow the referendum to back a quorum.
Lorenzo Galeazzi and Federico Mello
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