Guido Rossi
and braking global capitalism and the inevitable conflicts rassegnamoci
Just capitalism. But what replaces it? Nobody has an idea in my head. This is the truth. There is a globalization legal, among others. This is a big difference with the globalization type of medieval Lex mercatoria governed by the famous , a law drafted by the merchants, not a single state: and by means of trade work. Now the big companies work together. There is no longer a rule of law that regulates the behavior: against world hunger, exploitation of the poorer classes, child labor, occupational safety, according Tremonti is a luxury. And of course even towards the planet.
The left continued to argue until there was Communism, which was opposed to the ideology of capitalism , and somehow the proposed alternatives. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, changes everything. This is the truth. Politics disappears, the 'economy es'impone has the upper hand as a policy. The sinister dismiss Marxism. Marxism was born when the from mercantile capitalism has become the industrial and Karl Marx's ideology has developed completely new. In recent years, similarly, there was a new revolution, the financial revolution. Against which one would need a new ideology .... continue
The Brazilian Unger, a philosopher of law at Harvard, in a very good book, "Democracy at high energy," says that instead of pretending that ensure freedom of contract that underlies the financial revolution, should be a world authority capable of imposing new rules, and thus create the basis for a different structure, a global dimension. No one thinks to question the system? Because ideology does not allow it. It is a faith. These are the Taliban can not change it. They chose the reform, now that's the ideology that has won. 51%, and even now, the world's wealth is in the hands of large corporations, and to conduct the ' economy are no longer the States: States do not count anymore. So who's in charge? Large enterprises. Own the greatest wealth of the planet are to survive and operate. And then, look at what happens to the relocation of industries, in order to survive are all shattered economies and the rights and
I believe that there really is a fundamental error in the ultimate goal of all le politiche, che è quello del progresso economico. Gli economisti non pensano ad altro: aumentare produzione e produttività, a tutti i costi. Così quella che era la molla fondamentale del capitalismo , il progresso economico, è diventata molla fondamentale di tutti i sistemi; e al capitalismo di mercato si è aggiunto il capitalismo di Stato. Vedi la Cina: dove accadono esattamente le stesse cose di sempre, a detrimento dei più deboli. Mentre dovunque quelli che Bobbio chiamava “ diritti di seconda e terza generazione”, con questa accelerazione del progresso economico a tutti i costi, vengono selvaggiamente violated.
As Robert Reich says in his "supercapitalism", "has been replaced Protection rights of citizens with the protection of consumers." Now the aim is to create more benefits for consumers at the expense of traditional rights to employment, occupational safety, pension. Note that the economic development as the foundation of human activity is also present in the last encyclical of Ratzinger, which argues that globalization
serve any economic progress and then spreads among all peoples. That is not true.
And this frenzied pursuit of continuous growth and the ecological crisis (a result of its unsustainable productivity-both quantity and quality) is affected risk levels difficult to reverse, as stated by the entire scientific community. Is it possible that people from all over - powerful manager, big industrialists, world-renowned economists - ignore all this? The fact is that in fact the main problem remains one of growth and economic development, to which everything else is sacrificed, including issues such as world hunger. Since 2007 is getting worse: now about a billion people are undernourished, and nobody would care.
really the ideology of economic development remove any issue regarding quality of life and human rights, while creating senseless wars. You create a company whose sole purpose is the duty of economic growth, moreover, based on parameters completely unpacked, as the GDP, which means they do not consider the quality of life. The Gulf of Mexico is a economic and environmental disaster? There is no doubt. When disaster comes then realize it. E allora che fanno?
Insistono sugli stessi schemi che hanno provocato la catastrofe : non hanno altro in testa.
La letteratura apocalittica descrive tutto questo. Alcuni libri del genere mi hanno spaventato. Come Portando Clausewitx all’estremo di René Girard, il quale dice: «il riscaldamento climatico del pianeta e l’aumento della violenza sono due fenomeni assolutamente legati». E questa confusione di naturale e artificiale è forse il messaggio più forte contenuto in questi testi apocalittici. Martin Rees, grande astronomo di Cambridge, con “Our final Century” (Il nostro secolo finale), dubita che la razza umana riesca to survive the present century, because it is destroying the planet. It also says things like the Posner in his book "Catastrophe ": With a world population that, according to calculations, in 2050 will amount to more than 9 billion people, there are tremendous risks of famine, the earth can give no more of what he has.
New rules for ' globalized economy? Should be a global initiative, which should start by the United Nations. In the end, after the declaration of rights General Assembly ' UN of '48, something happened: as after the declaration of rights Man and Citizen of 1789. Just something like that could change the situation: a revolution in the world, organized by the United Nations, which redefine the true rights, the principles for a life different from that intended by the economic power, and then a life oriented by policy, not the ' economy. Then he accused me of being a visionary. But I believe that Utopia is definitely better of the apocalypse: what is the alternative that lies ahead.
(Guido Rossi, Carla Ravaioli statements in the interview to be published from "the Manifesto" October 31, 2010. An economist and lawyer, former university professor and executive international finance, Guido Rossi was chairman of Consob. Info: ).
Just capitalism. But what replaces it? Nobody has an idea in my head. This is the truth. There is no legal globalization, among others. This is a big difference with the globalization type of medieval Lex mercatoria governed by the famous , a law drafted by the merchants, non da un singolo Stato: e per suo mezzo il commercio funzionava. Adesso le grandi imprese lavorano tra di loro. Non c’è più una norma giuridica che ne disciplini i comportamenti: nei confronti della fame nel mondo, dello sfruttamento delle classi più povere, del lavoro minorile, della sicurezza sul lavoro che secondo Tremonti è un lusso. E ovviamente nemmeno nei confronti del pianeta.
Le sinistre hanno continuato a ragionare fino a quando esisteva il comunismo, che costituiva un’ideologia contrapposta a quella del capitalismo , e in qualche modo proponeva delle soluzioni alternative. Dopo la caduta del muro di Berlino cambia tutto. Questa è la verità. La Policy disappears, the 'economy es'impone has the upper hand as a policy. The sinister dismiss Marxism. Marxism was born when the from mercantile capitalism has become the industrial and Karl Marx's ideology has developed completely new. In recent years, similarly, there was a new revolution, the financial revolution. Against which one would need a new ideology. The Brazilian Unger, a philosopher of law at Harvard, in a very good book, "Democracy at high energy," says that instead of pretending that ensure freedom of contract that underlies the financial revolution, should be an authority world capable of imposing new rules, and thus create the basis for a different structure, a global dimension.
No one thinks to question the system? Because ideology does not allow it. It is a faith. These are the Taliban can not change it. They chose the reform, now that's the ideology that has won. 51%, and even now, the world's wealth is in the hands of large corporations, and to conduct the ' economy are no longer the States: States do not count anymore. So who's in charge? Large enterprises. Own the greatest wealth of the planet are to survive and operate. And then, look What happens to the relocation of industries, in order to survive are all shattered economies and the rights
not care anything. The decline of politics is precisely because of this fact: that the 'economy has conquered absolute dominance.
I believe that there really is a fundamental mistake in the final goal of all policies, which is that of economic progress. Economists do not think of another: to increase production and productivity at all costs. So what was the spring of fundamental capitalism, economic progress, has become a spring fondamentale di tutti i sistemi; e al capitalismo di mercato si è aggiunto il capitalismo di Stato. Vedi la Cina: dove accadono esattamente le stesse cose di sempre, a detrimento dei più deboli. Mentre dovunque quelli che Bobbio chiamava “ diritti di seconda e terza generazione”, con questa accelerazione del progresso economico a tutti i costi, vengono selvaggiamente conculcati.
Come dice Robert Reich nel suo “Supercapitalismo”, «è stata sostituita la tutela dei diritti dei cittadini con la tutela dei consumatori». Ormai lo scopo è quello di creare sempre più consumer benefits at the expense of traditional rights to the workplace, workplace safety, retirement. Note that the economic development as the foundation of human activity is also present in the last encyclical of Ratzinger, which argues that globalization
serve any economic progress and then spread among all peoples. That is not true.
And this frenzied pursuit of continuous growth and the ecological crisis (a result of its unsustainable productivity-both quantity and quality) is hardly affected levels of risk reversible, as stated by the entire scientific community. Is it possible that people from all over - powerful manager, big industrialists, world-renowned economists - ignore all this? The fact is that in fact the main problem remains one of growth and economic development, to which everything else is sacrificed, including issues such as world hunger. Since 2007 is getting more serious now about a billion people are undernourished, and nobody would care.
really the ideology of economic development remove any issue regarding quality of life and rights human, while creating senseless wars. You create a company whose sole purpose is the duty of economic growth, moreover, based on parameters completely unpacked, as the GDP, which means they do not consider the quality of life. The Gulf of Mexico is a economic and environmental disaster? There is no doubt. When disaster comes then realize it. So what do they do?
insist on the same patterns that have caused the catastrophe : no other in the head.
apocalyptic literature describes it all. Some books of this kind I have scared. How to bring Clausewitx extreme of René Girard, who says: "warming of the planet and the increase in violence two phenomena are absolutely linked." And this confusion of natural and artificial is perhaps the most powerful message contained in these apocalyptic texts. Martin Rees, the great astronomer at Cambridge, with "Our Final Century" (Our Final Century), doubts that the human race manages to survive the present century, because it is destroying the planet. It also says things like the Posner in his book "Catastrophe ": With a world population that, according to calculations, in 2050 will amount to more than 9 billion of individuals, there are tremendous risks of famine, the earth can not give more than what he has.
New rules for ' globalized economy? Should be a global initiative, which should start by the United Nations. In the end, after the declaration of rights General Assembly ' UN of '48, something happened: that after the declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789. Just something like that could change the situation: a revolution in the world, organized by the United Nations, which redefine the real rights, the principles for a life different from that intended by the economic power, and then a life oriented by politics and not by ' economy. Then he accused me of being a visionary. But I believe that Utopia is definitely better of the apocalypse: what is the alternative that lies ahead.
(Guido Rossi, Carla Ravaioli for statements made in the interview published by "Il Manifesto " October 31, 2010. An economist and lawyer, former university professor and executive international finance, Guido Rossi was chairman of Consob.
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