is an offense to hang a banner?
"Hello? This is the office of Digos Brescia: she is the owner of the banner? ". Who thought it would be a joke of the carnival, should think again. The Brescia banners removed in recent days are the focus of attention of the Digos, the operating division of the State Police reporting directly to the Ministry of Interior. The complaint by the Attorney Leg Brescia demands to know what precisely happened: it is a crime to display banners demanding the resignation of the Prime Minister? Who ordered the removal of the one hanging from the balcony in Via Schivardi? Why did you move the Digos? "The agent who called me to verify my general - said the member of leg, a victim of the blitz on Sunday - could not explain why his colleagues have spoken. He would not tell me anything. But the other night, the two officers knocked at my house, scared the neighbors with the way they do. They were in civilian clothes, were classified as agents Digos and requested information about who lived in that apartment, because they had to remove the banner. And since no one was there, they asked the ladder and they did everything themselves: they climbed onto the balcony and I took away the banner. Still hardly believe it. " After the letters to newspapers el'esposto the Chief Prosecutor of Brescia, there were no official responses. One new aspect is the call from police headquarters.
"We look forward to someone tell us if it is a crime to expose a cartel to demand the resignation of Mr Berlusconi - said Sandra Bonsanti, president of Freedom and Justice - are waiting for someone to tell us why the Digos is working on an application of the law and that is solemnly and openly announced in front of 15 000 people Palasharp of Milan, last February 5, as well as signed by more than 100,000 citizens. In what country are we living in? Brescia These are perhaps the dress rehearsal of the reform that the government is preparing to launch, entrusting it to the police initiative and the review of investigations increasingly removed from public ministry? "
of: Olga Piscitelli
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A banner removed by officers of the Digos, the other torn and replaced with a bag of excrement left on the balcony . It happens in Brescia, happens to us. Two members of Freedom and Justice are finished in the middle of a strange case that smacks of intimidation. A yellow-edged at all clear with lots of letters to newspapers and exposed the prosecutor. The story began long ago, since when the association launched its Resign , addressed to the Chairman of the Council. A collection of signatures is the theme of a peaceful mobilization, culminating with a meeting of the Palasharp February 5 and continues through awareness campaigns in all cities. In Brescia, the circle of leg, decided to hang banners on balconies with an invitation to resign turned to Silvio Berlusconi. "B. offend Italy, resign "," B, please, resign "," B. shame resign. " Within a few days the city is filled, today there are still about fifty to the streets of downtown and a little 'over, on the outskirts.
few days ago, one of the members of the Leg, when open the blinds in the morning, finds that his banner was torn, torn to shreds. In its place, check the porch with a bag of excrement that seems to accompany a note: "Here is the lunch of the Communists, signed SB. A stunt, says the spot, the victim. The timely arrival of policemen stir up agitation Who called them? "They come with the same diligence when you call them for a car parked prohibited, is surprised the owner of the apartment, in St. Anne area. A municipal regulation would prohibit the display banners and clothes that offend the dignity of the city. Perhaps, say the neighbors, it's that. The "gift" does not speak any found on the balcony. Sure that this is just an act of bad taste, the hosts decided not to go further, not to press charges.
But then history is repeating itself. This time, not all those that are hands off the second banner, the walls of the house of another member LEG. The banner of Via Schivardi, was removed and seized on Sunday by officials of Digos that occurred at the home of a neighbor, since in the apartment with the banner there was none. The officers identified themselves, asked for a ladder and climbed to the balcony have removed the banner of anti-Knight. That apartment, in the process of restructuring, it is still inhabited. On the balcony, hanging on an old sheet with the words: "B., Please Resign (you and your court than 315 slaves)."
What happened? "Exhibiting a banner is a crime? If so, what rule was violated? If so, what authority it is such a challenge? Doing so is the responsibility of Digos? Not for the magistrate to order a seizure, and only in the presence of a crime? ". These questions , black and white, were sent a letter to the newspapers of the city. The owner has seen fit to make a complaint to the prosecutor, to understand better. The members of the law and Brescia are surprised that "in Italy you're getting to the point that it is not lawful to demand the resignation of a prime minister not estimated.
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