Minetti in the Regional Council: never thought about the resignation
Councillor Lombard involved in the case of the PDL after Ruby by reporters
MILANO (18 gennaio 2011) - Il consigliere regionale del Popolo delle Libertà Nicole Minetti, coinvolta nel caso di Ruby, non ha alcuna intenzione di dimettersi. Questa mattina l'esponente del Pdl, come sempre, è arrivata nella sede del Consiglio lombardo accompagnata dalla sua portavoce Clotilde. L'igienista dentale del presidente del Consiglio, poi passata alla politica, non ha abbandonato la sua grinta. Ha chiesto a numerosi cronisti di pazientare un attimo per consentirle di prendere un caffè. E poi a chi si è avvicinato ha detto che "questo accanimento mi pare irrispettoso anche nei confronti degli altri colleghi". Poi il consigliere del Pdl, mentre prendeva la via dell'aula, ha replicato a chi le chiedeva se avesse in mind to resign: "Absolutely not, and if I do go, I'm going to work."
The position of the Democratic Party Lombardo expressed by the regional secretary Maurizio Martina
Regional Councillor Nicole Minetti would do well to resign from office covering. Would do well to take a step back to better defend themselves in the story that involves her, ensuring that this involves a very delicate situation place institutions like the Regional Council of Lombardy. Also alleviate the embarrassment of Formigoni and his majority.
not up to the fully expressed in the policy on the serious allegations that are disputed. But certainly touches policy not look the other way and continue working as if nothing had happened. There is a responsibility that precedes and exceeds the judicial process that we can not lose more time in front of what is happening. Calls into question the conduct and responsibilities of people who take positions in
not up to the fully expressed in the policy on the serious allegations that are disputed. But certainly touches policy not look the other way and continue working as if nothing had happened. There is a responsibility that precedes and exceeds the judicial process that we can not lose more time in front of what is happening. Calls into question the conduct and responsibilities of people who take positions in
In other countries in Europe and the world, for much less, you rightly steps back from public roles . It would be worth prove to be a normal country, at least in this circumstance. If, unfortunately, is an illusion to think that it will do the Premier in Rome, at this time is right to expect that the Regional Councillor Minetti.
In other countries in Europe and the world, for much less, you rightly steps back from public roles . It would be worth prove to be a normal country, at least in this circumstance. If, unfortunately, is an illusion to think that it will do the Premier in Rome, at this time is right to expect that the Regional Councillor Minetti.
out money from politics!
"listening point" of Saturday, February 5
There is no reason at all why Regional Councillors should earn astonishing figures. The elections are a "Scratch " national. Whoever is elected will take home € 10,000 and more per month and the security of retirement. This bad habit has to stop and Piedmont will end thanks to the determination of the boys MoVement 5 Stars. Sign the petition, Fauss executioner! Do not be a lie nen! The initiative should be adopted in other regions, what are you waiting?
"Out of the money from politics. Continues with great success collecting petition signatures to reduce the salaries of regional advisers promoted on the basis of the proposed law of motion, 5 Stars Piemonte rejected brawl with December 30. In just 15 days to banquets have already collected over 5,000 signatures from citizens and the Piedmont regional advisers and Bono Biol have already submitted the petition to St. Ambrose, Bussoleno, Torino, Alba, Cuneo, Tortona, Rivoli, Acqui Terme. All Piedmont can:
download the petition and sign it without authentication or identity card: just a name, residential address and signature. Then send the signed forms to the Council Chamber Group MoVimento 5 Star / 19/10121 Torino Via Alfieri. The tour
"Out of the money from politics " will be at Domodossola March 2, at 21 Crown Hotel Via Marconi 8 / Saluzzo March 7, at 21 Via Don Bosco Oratory Donaudi 36 / Savigliano March 8, at 21 Piazza Santa Rosa / Vercelli March 9, at 21 Via Francesco Sala SOMS Burgundy 38 / Alexandria March 14, at 21 Via Vagner 38 / d / Asti March 15, at 21 Piazza San Secondo 1 / Verbania March 16, at 21 Centre St. Anne Street meeting Belgium 2 / San Mauro March 17, at 21 Town Hall meeting room. MoVimento 5 Stars Piemonte
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