Monday, March 14, 2011

Bumble And Bumble Surf Spray


the cap. Chapter XVI. XXVI incl.

taken from Wikipedia

Mr. Bingley organizes a dance at Netherfield, as promised to the Bennet sisters. Its transport towards Jane's visible, so that the local company gives their marriage for sure. Mr. Darcy, however, is convinced that Jane is not really in love with the friend. Also note the proverbial frivolity of Catherine and Lydia, and failure to maintain due to the attitude of Mr Bennet. Therefore, he is convinced that the best thing is to Bingley to leave Netherfield soon. Meanwhile, Mr Collins throws in a court unbridled che culmina con la richiesta della mano della secondogenita Bennet, la quale, basita, rifiuta categoricamente, nonostante le rimostranze della madre.

Il signor Collins, deciso a tornare a casa con una moglie, decide di sposare Charlotte Lucas, la migliore amica di Elizabeth. Dopo la partenza di Bingley e la chiusura di Netherfield, Jane riceve l'invito degli amati zii a Londra e lo accetta, mentre Elizabeth si prepara a partire per Rosings, nel Kent, in visita ai signori Collins.

Ed ora a voi la parola... ogni commento sarà prezioso, ogni suggerimento o idea ben accetto, ogni message left a welcome gift.
Good Reading, the next step! Erica

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Nuclear, journalist Mario Tozzi, politicians are irresponsible and braking

Nucleare, il giornalista Mario Tozzi: “I politici sono degli irresponsabili. Parlassero di meno e studiassero di più”

Mario Tozzi, maître à penser e mezzobusto televisivo dell’ambientalismo italiano, non usa mezzi termini nel commentare le reazioni di casa nostra al terremoto giapponese e alla minaccia di disastro nucleare. Le dichiarazioni dei vari Fabrizio Cicchitto e Pierferdinando Casini, a Tozzi non sono proprio piaciute. E’ un fiume in piena: “C’è da rimanere allibiti. Questi politici fanno finta di esser dei teorici di fisica nucleare. Non hanno nemmeno la decenza di usare la cautela che in situazioni come questa should be a must. "

Tozzi then not talk to the Messenger's editorial today signed by Oscar Giannino. An article that has climbed in the dark of the statements which were then blatantly denied. The reporter wrote that what happened in Japan was the "litmus test" of security of energy produced from the atom. "What a miserable figure to Giannino - attacks Tozzi - But one thing is served: to unmask the Italian habit to get into the chair and talk about things that do not know."

Faced with the threat of a nuclear disaster, the watchword of our local nuclear lobby is minimized. "Even the nightmare that is living in Japan at this time with the damage of a reactor - continues the journalist - is in Italy declined to a mere instrument of political propaganda and ideological. They defend the atom only because they can not go back. "

. Il Tuo Sito Non Funziona? .

According to the host of "Gaia, the living planet" (which returns on Rai Tre since March 31) the most egregious lies of the pro-lobby are two atom: security and economy of this source of energy. That tragedy is the Japanese dramatically revealing.

"The central nucleari giapponesi – spiega Tozzi – sono state costruite per sopportare un terremoto di 8,5 gradi della scala Richter. Poi cos’è successo? E’ arrivato un sisma di 8,9 e le strutture non hanno retto”. Le centrali italiane saranno costruite per resistere a delle scosse di circa 7,1 gradi, ma, come sostiene Tozzi, “chi ci assicura che un giorno non arriverà un sisma più potente?”. Nessuno, appunto. Perché i terremoti sono fenomeni che non si possono prevedere. Inoltre il disastro giapponese è avvenuto nel paese tecnologicamente più avanzato del mondo. A Tokio infatti è radicata una seria cultura del rischio che è frutto di una profonda conoscenza di questi fenomeni. “Con which face the various tolla Cicchitto we are selling the idea that in Italy, in the event of an earthquake, things might go better in Japan? Aquila if the earthquake had occurred in Japan would not have even caused the fall of a ledge. We caused 300 deaths. Who can believe the ravings of the Italian nuclear safety? "Asks sarcastically Tozzi. It 's true that the nuclear accident is rare, but it is equally true that it is a thousand times more dangerous. And the Japanese case, according to Tozzi, is from the manual: "If a power plant's cooling system breaks down it becomes exactly like a huge atomic bomb. Perhaps this is the litmus test mentioned by Giannino.

And then there is the question of the alleged cost of energy produced from the atom. "The various political and alleged experts - argued Tozzi - you fill your mouth saying that the kilowatt-hour produced from the atom is cheaper than that produced by other sources. But it is not true. We know how much is really only when we inactivated the first kilogram of radioactive waste produced by power plants. And that is, between 30 thousand years. " According to the journalist, the lobby that wants the return of its nuclear propaganda value for money without considering externality, namely the additional costs that make lievitare il prezzo. Che vanno dallo smaltimento delle scorie (problema che nessun paese al mondo ha ancora risolto definitivamente) ai costi sociali ed economici di un eventuale incidente. “Sono soldi che i nuclearisti non conteggiano – dice Tozzi – perché sono costi che ricadranno sui cittadini e sulle generazioni future”.

Il 12 giugno è in programma un referendum che, fra le altre cose, chiede l’abrogazione del ritorno all’atomo dell’Italia. Il rimando a quanto successe a Chernobyl nel 1987, alle grandi mobilitazioni antinucleariste fino al referendum che sancì l’abbandono dell’energia nucleare è quasi d’obbligo. Ma a Mario Tozzi il paragone non convince: “Veniamo 25 years of numbness of conscience. Today we have people like Chicco Testa Umberto Veronesi and experts who make false and misleading ads that the public astray. " In short, the link between the incident that shook the conscience and the vote of the people that worked in 1987, today could fail. But on June 12 did not vote just to say no to the atom. Citizens are also called to speak out against the privatization of water resources and the law on such failure. Topics that next to no atom could convince people to go to the polls. And allow the referendum to back a quorum.

Lorenzo Galeazzi and Federico Mello



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global capitalism and the inevitable conflicts rassegnamoci

Guido Rossi
and braking global capitalism and the inevitable conflicts rassegnamoci

. .

Just capitalism. But what replaces it? Nobody has an idea in my head. This is the truth. There is a globalization legal, among others. This is a big difference with the globalization type of medieval Lex mercatoria governed by the famous , a law drafted by the merchants, not a single state: and by means of trade work. Now the big companies work together. There is no longer a rule of law that regulates the behavior: against world hunger, exploitation of the poorer classes, child labor, occupational safety, according Tremonti is a luxury. And of course even towards the planet.
The left continued to argue until there was Communism, which was opposed to the ideology of capitalism , and somehow the proposed alternatives. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, changes everything. This is the truth. Politics disappears, the 'economy es'impone has the upper hand as a policy. The sinister dismiss Marxism. Marxism was born when the from mercantile capitalism has become the industrial and Karl Marx's ideology has developed completely new. In recent years, similarly, there was a new revolution, the financial revolution. Against which one would need a new ideology .... continue
The Brazilian Unger, a philosopher of law at Harvard, in a very good book, "Democracy at high energy," says that instead of pretending that ensure freedom of contract that underlies the financial revolution, should be a world authority capable of imposing new rules, and thus create the basis for a different structure, a global dimension.
No one thinks to question the system? Because ideology does not allow it. It is a faith. These are the Taliban can not change it. They chose the reform, now that's the ideology that has won. 51%, and even now, the world's wealth is in the hands of large corporations, and to conduct the ' economy are no longer the States: States do not count anymore. So who's in charge? Large enterprises. Own the greatest wealth of the planet are to survive and operate. And then, look at what happens to the relocation of industries, in order to survive are all shattered economies and the rights and
Tempi Moderni care anything. The decline of politics is precisely because of this fact: that the 'economy has conquered absolute dominance.
I believe that there really is a fundamental error in the ultimate goal of all le politiche, che è quello del progresso economico. Gli economisti non pensano ad altro: aumentare produzione e produttività, a tutti i costi. Così quella che era la molla fondamentale del  capitalismo , il progresso economico, è diventata molla fondamentale di tutti i sistemi; e al  capitalismo di mercato si è aggiunto il  capitalismo di Stato. Vedi la Cina: dove accadono esattamente le stesse cose di sempre, a detrimento dei più deboli. Mentre dovunque quelli che Bobbio chiamava “ diritti di seconda e terza generazione”, con questa accelerazione del progresso economico a tutti i costi, vengono selvaggiamente violated.
As Robert Reich says in his "supercapitalism", "has been replaced Protection rights of citizens with the protection of consumers." Now the aim is to create more benefits for consumers at the expense of traditional rights to employment, occupational safety, pension. Note that the economic development as the foundation of human activity is also present in the last encyclical of Ratzinger, which argues that globalization catastrofe serve any economic progress and then spreads among all peoples. That is not true.
And this frenzied pursuit of continuous growth and the ecological crisis (a result of its unsustainable productivity-both quantity and quality) is affected risk levels difficult to reverse, as stated by the entire scientific community. Is it possible that people from all over - powerful manager, big industrialists, world-renowned economists - ignore all this? The fact is that in fact the main problem remains one of growth and economic development, to which everything else is sacrificed, including issues such as world hunger. Since 2007 is getting worse: now about a billion people are undernourished, and nobody would care.
really the ideology of economic development remove any issue regarding quality of life and human rights, while creating senseless wars. You create a company whose sole purpose is the duty of economic growth, moreover, based on parameters completely unpacked, as the GDP, which means they do not consider the quality of life. The Gulf of Mexico is a economic and environmental disaster? There is no doubt. When disaster comes then realize it. E allora che fanno? apocalisse Insistono sugli stessi schemi che hanno provocato la  catastrofe : non hanno altro in testa.
La letteratura apocalittica descrive tutto questo. Alcuni libri del genere mi hanno spaventato. Come Portando Clausewitx all’estremo di René Girard, il quale dice: «il riscaldamento climatico del pianeta e l’aumento della violenza sono due fenomeni assolutamente legati». E questa confusione di naturale e artificiale è forse il messaggio più forte contenuto in questi testi apocalittici. Martin Rees, grande astronomo di Cambridge, con “Our final Century” (Il nostro secolo finale), dubita che la razza umana riesca to survive the present century, because it is destroying the planet. It also says things like the Posner in his book "Catastrophe ": With a world population that, according to calculations, in 2050 will amount to more than 9 billion people, there are tremendous risks of famine, the earth can give no more of what he has.
New rules for ' globalized economy? Should be a global initiative, which should start by the United Nations. In the end, after the declaration of rights General Assembly ' UN of '48, something happened: as after the declaration of rights Man and Citizen of 1789. Just something like that could change the situation: a revolution in the world, organized by the United Nations, which redefine the true rights, the principles for a life different from that intended by the economic power, and then a life oriented by policy, not the ' economy. Then he accused me of being a visionary. But I believe that Utopia is definitely better of the apocalypse: what is the alternative that lies ahead.
(Guido Rossi, Carla Ravaioli statements in the interview to be published from "the Manifesto" October 31, 2010. An economist and lawyer, former university professor and executive international finance, Guido Rossi was chairman of Consob. Info: ).
Just capitalism. But what replaces it? Nobody has an idea in my head. This is the truth. There is no legal globalization, among others. This is a big difference with the globalization type of medieval Lex mercatoria governed by the famous , a law drafted by the merchants, non da un singolo Stato: e per suo mezzo il commercio funzionava. Adesso le grandi imprese lavorano tra di loro. Non c’è più una norma giuridica che ne disciplini i comportamenti: nei confronti della fame nel mondo, dello sfruttamento delle classi più povere, del lavoro minorile, della sicurezza sul lavoro che secondo Tremonti è un lusso. E ovviamente nemmeno nei confronti del pianeta.
Le sinistre hanno continuato a ragionare fino a quando esisteva il comunismo, che costituiva un’ideologia contrapposta a quella del  capitalismo , e in qualche modo proponeva delle soluzioni alternative. Dopo la caduta del muro di Berlino cambia tutto. Questa è la verità. La Policy disappears, the 'economy es'impone has the upper hand as a policy. The sinister dismiss Marxism. Marxism was born when the from mercantile capitalism has become the industrial and Karl Marx's ideology has developed completely new. In recent years, similarly, there was a new revolution, the financial revolution. Against which one would need a new ideology. The Brazilian Unger, a philosopher of law at Harvard, in a very good book, "Democracy at high energy," says that instead of pretending that ensure freedom of contract that underlies the financial revolution, should be an authority world capable of imposing new rules, and thus create the basis for a different structure, a global dimension.
No one thinks to question the system? Because ideology does not allow it. It is a faith. These are the Taliban can not change it. They chose the reform, now that's the ideology that has won. 51%, and even now, the world's wealth is in the hands of large corporations, and to conduct the ' economy are no longer the States: States do not count anymore. So who's in charge? Large enterprises. Own the greatest wealth of the planet are to survive and operate. And then, look What happens to the relocation of industries, in order to survive are all shattered economies and the rights Tempi Moderni not care anything. The decline of politics is precisely because of this fact: that the 'economy has conquered absolute dominance.
I believe that there really is a fundamental mistake in the final goal of all policies, which is that of economic progress. Economists do not think of another: to increase production and productivity at all costs. So what was the spring of fundamental capitalism, economic progress, has become a spring fondamentale di tutti i sistemi; e al  capitalismo di mercato si è aggiunto il  capitalismo di Stato. Vedi la Cina: dove accadono esattamente le stesse cose di sempre, a detrimento dei più deboli. Mentre dovunque quelli che Bobbio chiamava “ diritti di seconda e terza generazione”, con questa accelerazione del progresso economico a tutti i costi, vengono selvaggiamente conculcati.
Come dice Robert Reich nel suo “Supercapitalismo”, «è stata sostituita la tutela dei  diritti dei cittadini con la tutela dei consumatori». Ormai lo scopo è quello di creare sempre più consumer benefits at the expense of traditional rights to the workplace, workplace safety, retirement. Note that the economic development as the foundation of human activity is also present in the last encyclical of Ratzinger, which argues that globalization catastrofe serve any economic progress and then spread among all peoples. That is not true.
And this frenzied pursuit of continuous growth and the ecological crisis (a result of its unsustainable productivity-both quantity and quality) is hardly affected levels of risk reversible, as stated by the entire scientific community. Is it possible that people from all over - powerful manager, big industrialists, world-renowned economists - ignore all this? The fact is that in fact the main problem remains one of growth and economic development, to which everything else is sacrificed, including issues such as world hunger. Since 2007 is getting more serious now about a billion people are undernourished, and nobody would care.
really the ideology of economic development remove any issue regarding quality of life and rights human, while creating senseless wars. You create a company whose sole purpose is the duty of economic growth, moreover, based on parameters completely unpacked, as the GDP, which means they do not consider the quality of life. The Gulf of Mexico is a economic and environmental disaster? There is no doubt. When disaster comes then realize it. So what do they do? apocalisse insist on the same patterns that have caused the catastrophe : no other in the head.
apocalyptic literature describes it all. Some books of this kind I have scared. How to bring Clausewitx extreme of René Girard, who says: "warming of the planet and the increase in violence two phenomena are absolutely linked." And this confusion of natural and artificial is perhaps the most powerful message contained in these apocalyptic texts. Martin Rees, the great astronomer at Cambridge, with "Our Final Century" (Our Final Century), doubts that the human race manages to survive the present century, because it is destroying the planet. It also says things like the Posner in his book "Catastrophe ": With a world population that, according to calculations, in 2050 will amount to more than 9 billion of individuals, there are tremendous risks of famine, the earth can not give more than what he has.
New rules for ' globalized economy? Should be a global initiative, which should start by the United Nations. In the end, after the declaration of rights General Assembly ' UN of '48, something happened: that after the declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789. Just something like that could change the situation: a revolution in the world, organized by the United Nations, which redefine the real rights, the principles for a life different from that intended by the economic power, and then a life oriented by politics and not by ' economy. Then he accused me of being a visionary. But I believe that Utopia is definitely better of the apocalypse: what is the alternative that lies ahead.
(Guido Rossi, Carla Ravaioli for statements made in the interview published by "Il Manifesto " October 31, 2010. An economist and lawyer, former university professor and executive international finance, Guido Rossi was chairman of Consob.


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Mosaic with scenic masks

This mosaic dating from the second century AD, is probably a decoration from the spa on Decianus' Aventino, is now stored at the New Palace in the Capitoline Museums, donated in 1824 by Leo XVI.

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Please put out the Tricolor

Toc toc, disorder?

I wanted to ask a favor.

You could put the tricolor flag outside their windows or balconies of your home, these days?

Thanks, and good sesquicentennial of Italy

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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Land of the Pharaohs - The island of elegance and dignity Kitchener

Horatio Herbert Kitchener was born in Listowel June 24, 1850, an expert in military organization (started the use of concentration camps in the Boer War, in which died about twenty-six thousand women and children) in period in which it was for his country, the official colony and commander of the Egyptian army, he cultivated his passion for botany building a botanical garden on the island that now bears his name, but also known as "the 'Island of trees. "

A tropical paradise that stretches for approximately seven acres in which Kitchener had to bring plants from Asia and the rest of Africa .

L 'Isle of the trees is located west of the island was donated to Egypt from the Elephantine and Kitchener.

Appointed Minister of War, the United Kingdom in 1914, Kitchener died June 5, 1916 the Orkney Islands in the sea on the cruiser Hampshire sunk by a German submarine that had intercepted. Kitchener was on his way by Tsar Nicholas II, to advise military reorganization.

Horatio Herbert Kitchener

Friday, March 11, 2011

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public water, not a dream but a solid reality, Puglia

Acqua pubblica , non un sogno ma una solida realtà

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In alcune località della Puglia si è iniziato ad avere accesso continuo all’acqua corrente, per la prima volta dopo tanti anni, anche d’estate. Tutto ciò avviene perché l’Acquedotto Pugliese è stato risanato. Meglio tardi che mai, verrebbe da dire, specie nel paese che gli acquedotti li ha inventati. La notizia, riportata among others Republic Business & Finance on Monday, is far from trivial to many points of view. The malfunctioning of the Aqueduct Pugliese has not only been for decades, the example of the failure of public intervention in the economy and welfarism, but also ended up being a symbol of the economic inefficiency of our South. The importance of news, however, is not limited to the events of a public company, as representative. The reorganization of the Aqueduct Pugliese has been achieved thanks to interventions that have increased the efficiency dell’azienda. Stando alle cronache, infatti, risulta che sono diminuiti gli organici, sono diminuite le “esternalizzazioni” ma sono aumentati i servizi offerti (è aumentato il coinvolgimento nella depurazione), è diminuita la morosità. Inoltre, l’azienda è in grado di avviare un significativo ma fattibile sforzo di investimento. Il tutto nel contesto del risanamento finanziario. Non bisogna fare un eccessivo sforzo di interpretazione, quindi, per capire che il significato di questo risultato è più ampio, e non riguarda solo i pugliesi.
In primo luogo, il pessimo stato dell’Acquedotto Pugliese era uno degli esempi attraverso cui si sosteneva che la gestione pubblica dei servizi idrici was, of course, intended to be uneconomic, parasitic (when not criminogenic), then the natural prerogative of individuals. More generally, this success story shows that public intervention in the economy may make sense. Think of how important this is when it comes to public schools, universities, and health. Which, of course, does not exclude the competition of individuals, but certainly not imposing it, as many would like.
is certain is that everyone must do his part. The fact that the reorganization of the Aqueduct Pugliese has been achieved without social butcher is important, but it is always possible thanks to the reduction of staff (including i dirigenti). Insomma, i carrozzoni sono contro un’economia pubblica efficiente, cioè contro gli interessi di cittadini e lavoratori. Se risanare un carrozzone è stato possibile è stato grazie a una forte volontà politica.
E’ quindi, alla politica che ci si deve rivolgere: non c’è niente di ineluttabile in tanti episodi di inefficienza della pubblica amministrazione e delle aziende pubbliche. E’ la politica che deve dimostrare di avere le capacità, la grinta e le idee necessarie per dare una prospettiva alla gestione dei beni pubblici di questo paese. Oggi c’è l’esempio di un’azienda pubblica che – contro ogni aspettativa – ha vinto sul fronte dell’efficienza asking all employees to give according to their possibilities, asking in return for a modest fee for giving water to all according to their needs. Not cheap. These things should make one think to many people, even on the left.

(Andrea Declich)

. Anche le cose sognano.. Regenesi


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Taverna, throw-away cell phones and Charity

Gianni Taverna is a Councillor for the Environment full of ideas, passionate, and you give a lot to do. There are a lot of projects in the yellow folder that is always behind the door, the first will give us to do tomorrow morning, and it is this.

Caretto Square Saturday 12, from 9 to 18, in collaboration with the Red Cross, an initiative that includes several spheres: waste reduction, recovery and / or proper disposal of materials highly polluting if thrown in 'undifferentiated.
Citizens may dispose of the phones that do not use Moreover, those that accumulate in drawers because they do not know where to throw.
The figures are impressive. Each year 27 percent of Europeans to change the phone, but only 2.5 percent (2.5 million out of 100) is recycled properly.
Obviously we hope to collect large numbers is important
offer a proper way to dispose of the phones.
Thanks to the efforts of the Red Cross could take even a small
economic benefit to fund social initiatives and worthy, just the same Red Cross.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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"Esso è al di là — sempre al di là di qualche cosa, d'una voce, d'una nota di violino. Attraverso spessori e spessori d'esistenza, si svela, sottile e fermo..."

Tratto da "La nausea"
di Jean Paul Sartre

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Girl Friends on Friday night by Kate Jacobs - calendar

Dear friends of WG, we are organizing reading our next book:

Girl Friends on Friday night by Kate Jacobs

1 May: Start reading
(Deadline 04.30
just leaving a comment on this post)

From Chapter 1 to Cap.7 inc Luso by May 15 ( Post Mon 16 / 5)
From Chapter 8 to Chapter 21 and included ntro May 29 (post Mon 30 / 5)
From Chapter 22 to Chapter 36 by 12 June (post Mon 13 / 6)

Deadline for reading Mansfield Park by Jane Austen: il19 June
Monday, June 20 inizio lettura Mansfield Park di Jane Austen

Le attuali iscritte a "Le Amiche del Venerdì Sera" sono:
(se ho dimenticato qualcuna che in precedenza mi aveva lasciato messaggi o @, chiedo scusa e l'aggiorno subito!!!)
And now new! I have divided this book into three stages, then you will need 3 post with the summary / short story for each stage ... who has to prepare the 3 posts?
Of all those who offer, it will draw out and communicate their third stage which will have to prepare.
you can enjoy as an idea? for all others that unfortunately will not be extracted, there will surely be another time! Notify your availability by leaving a comment to this post (before May 1).

I remind you that the poll is still open at the bottom to choose the book to be included on the agenda after "Emma" ... There is an interesting tie, look under your votes to choose the book with a strong preference!

I wait for comment Monday, the second stage of Pride and Prejudice! Happy weekend and happy reading! Erica

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Justice, undermined the balance between the powers

Carlo Federico Grosso
La Stampa today.
Today the Council of Ministers should launch the constitutional reform of justice: A reform "era," has called a few days ago the Prime Minister. If
Parliament, parliamentary procedure and closure of the long expected, would really approve it, the Italian justice system is not in fact the same. Skin change, carat, weight, punch and color. It would be a justice entirely different from what we know.
The main points of reform should be, according to rumors, the separation of careers, split in two of the CSM, the establishment of a "high court of justice intended to handle the discipline of judges, a different level of independence depending on whether judges or prosecutors.
's list continues with the limitation of mandatory prosecution (which would become exercisable "in accordance with priorities established by an Act" passed by Parliament each year), independent from the police prosecutor, the introduction of civil liability of judges who make mistakes.
Well, in This comprehensive set of innovations would lead to a profound alteration of the relationship that exists today between the state powers. The idea of \u200b\u200ba liberal judiciary is intended to independently exercise judicial review on the activity of citizens, subject only to compliance with the law, would give up the idea of \u200b\u200bconditioning the judiciary from political power, and in particular the executive . This would generate so traumatic, and severely limited the prerogatives of the court, that "balance" of powers that has long been cherished by a large sector of our political class.
Above all, a reform so configured might have a strong impact on the autonomy of delle Procure della Repubblica e, pertanto, sull'esercizio dell'azione penale da parte dell'ordine giudiziario.
Pensate: il pubblico ministero, secondo quanto si prefigurerebbe, non farebbe più parte di un «ordine autonomo ed indipendente da ogni altro potere dello Stato», ma costituirebbe, più semplicemente, un «ufficio» al quale la legge «assicura l'indipendenza»; esso non sarebbe più il protagonista delle indagini, ma dovrebbe sottostare alle iniziative ed alle valutazioni di una polizia giudiziaria resa autonoma dal suo ufficio e gerarchicamente dipendente dal governo; esso non sarebbe più libero di scegliere le priorità nelle indagini penali, ma dovrebbe comunque sottostare alle priorità dictated by the Parliament.
Consider, moreover, would undergo a profound change in the principle of independence of the judiciary, considered a key reason for the rule of law. Today, the principle of independence of the judiciary shall be delivered in a manner fully in the Constitution, which states that "the judiciary is an autonomous and independent from any other power," and provides, in defense of this practice statement, a strong and authoritative CSM, chaired by the Head of State. Tomorrow, if the reform initiated by the government were to be approved, it weakens the general principle of independence (recognizing the function of state power independent from the other powers only to the judiciary) and, above all, it would undermine the defense of the independence of the judiciary consists of the actual system of self-government of the judiciary.
Split, split, means already weakening. Descriptive treats, however, not only split the CSM, but also to deprive him of his powers the most noble and impact, through which it has been over the years as a tool for effective protection of individual judges and judiciary as a whole and be authoritative voice of the judiciary, reducing it, in fact, a mere bureaucratic institution for the management of transfers and promotions of judges. Really a useful initiative for the country? There is a further
profile, plan on anything, concern. It is expected that the two CSM are modified in their composition, with an increase in political appointment of lay members, is expected to establish a "high court of justice majority also" lay ", is expected to introduce the civil liability of magistrates them wrong. Some of these innovations in themselves could also be appreciated. However, there is the risk that they once again taken as a whole, and added to the other new proposals, to achieve, in fact, an intimidation aimed at making judges fearful and therefore more timid in pursuing the crimes and their perpetrators ? We all think that justice
Italian today is not working as it should and that is a pressing need for reform can restore efficiency, speed and credibility. To meet this fundamental requirement, however, need substantial revision of codes and ordinary legislation. No need to doubt the chance of a change of constitutional principles. ***

Why Do People Bow Down To The Pope

The energy debate in Italy is rigged from the lobby of the Nuclear

against the nuclear lobby

"The energy debate in Italy is rigged by the nuclear lobby". Nichi So yesterday spoke of the Roman decree, in a press conference organized by the Left Ecology Liberty, to mark the position that SEL has always made clear on the issue of renewable energies and nuclear power. With
Nichi, Grazia Francescato, Loredana De Petris, and Fabio Valerio Shoe Roggiolani.

Klikk video below

Watch the video


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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He 's back, The Milano Clown Festival, clowns and street theater, with artists coming from all over the world

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He 's back! The Milano Clown Festival this year holds the promise to bring you the best of the new clowns and street theater , with artists coming from all over the world.
More than twenty companies that will perform in rotation for three days in all parts of the Festival, in the Isola neighborhood: theaters, pubs, town squares, courtyards and as a tradition in the beautiful chapiteau mounted for the occasion Pirelli Joy in the parking lot. Do not miss
PIC-Bus with its raids, ferryman of artists, musicians and lots of love thanks to PIC of Emergency Clown, led to death.
you have noticed that this year there is a day of Festival, right? That's right, you begin a day earlier, Wednesday, March 9th!
The exciting news of 2011 will be just the day before the Festival, we have dedicated and named after a teacher, inspirer of the work and the passion that drives us all: Patch Adams will our guests to Milan for a whole day. Its presence is symbolic and significant, so we have prepared for him and the public a special program.
Welcome to Milano Clown Festival 2011.

Clown Power!

Artists and Companies

fellow officers
Ilya Cirque (France)
Hilton Hiltoff (Spain)
Kondakov Leonid (Russia)
Michael Lane Trautman (USA)

Bano Ferrari (Italy)
Carlo Rossi (Italy)
Brothers Caproni (Italy)
Duo-Zamboni Meroni (Italy)
Nicola Sordo (Italy)
died and the Society of the PIC (Italy)
The Magician's True Cousins \u200b\u200bSilvius the Illusionissimo Udine (Italy)
Wizards of the CLAM (Italy)
Walter Leonardi (Italy)

Aidoru Association (Italy)
about 238 (Italy)
Hoo-liang (Argentina)
The 4 elements (Italy)
The Sgirlies (Italy)
The Takiti (Italy)

The Always Drinking Marching Band (Spain)
Die Aussenseiter (Russia, Israel)
I (Italy)
King Size (France)
Sabado Noche (Italy, Spain)

Ligabosk (Italy)
Surprise Dancing with hugs of passion (Italy)
Bob Scotti (Italy)
Fabulous Filters (Italy)
Alessandro Sala (Italy)
Roberto Radaelli (Italy)


Cook Dry Red Beans -rice -recipe -pressure

Napolitano: women, contrasting the commonplace

"In Italy, as in all democratic states, women have achieved many goals, but in this journey towards equality, there was a sharp acceleration in the last fifty years." This was stated by the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano during his speech at the Quirinale for the celebration of International Women's Day, opportunity to retrace the route taken by the status of women in the 150 anniversary of the unification of Italy.

"The merit - he added - is mainly due to the commitment of fighting women, their ability to unite and firmly assert their rights. Today we can say that the degree of commitment to women's equality, the 'affirmation of their role in various social environments, the level of equality, dignity and consideration which they enjoy are the main indicators of the maturity and state of health of democratic systems. "

"However - said the Head of State - Italian women are still far from having achieved equality in many fields. Suffice it to recall the gender gap, which is also the international relations, political representation, media, still somewhat public career in the conduct of business in general is enough to recall the gap and eliminate bottlenecks in access to weigh work. Suffer especially girls, young women seeking employment: and to understand what energies and potentials that are likely to be sacrificed, just to see - just port this example - as you claim Italian scientists such as those I've met a few days ago at CERN Geneva.

"But I think - he added - in order to achieve substantive equality is needed to affect mainly on popular culture: the conception of the role of women, persistent and widespread imbalances in relations between the sexes, an image that reduces consumer from subject to subject, propitiating aggressive behavior of up to crime. To promote the path towards substantive equality, the school must do much and the media that transmit values \u200b\u200bthrough, and a major responsibility falls on those who have prominent roles in all fields and professions, women in particular, offer sound touches models.

not only how many have special functions and visibility, but it is all women, in everyday life, the duty to combat luoghi comuni, di esigere rispetto e considerazione". "Ne consegue - ha rilevato il Presidente - che l'ulteriore cammino verso la parità di genere non può non essere parte di una generale ripresa di valori civili".Il Presidente della Repubblica nel corso del suo intervento ha anche sottolineato come "in occasione del 150esimo anniversario dell'Unità d'Italia ci si sta giustamente adoperando per valorizzare la partecipazione femminile al percorso risorgimentale". "Il Risorgimento - ha detto - non aveva come solo obiettivo l'Unità nazionale, ma si proponeva anche il rinnovamento istituzionale, civile e morale del paese. Il ramo femminile della carboneria aveva come motto "Onore e virtù". In questa necessaria opera di rinnovamento morale women today, like those of yesterday, I called to make a vital contribution. "

" And I'm sure - concluded the President Napolitano - that the new Italian, many immigrant women who have already become or will become our fellow citizens , the many who work with dedication and sense of propriety, they will also play their part ".-->

(from the site of the Quirinal)

Raven Riley On Facebook

Brescia, banners Leg removed from Digos, is an offense to hang a banner?

is an offense to hang a banner?

. .

"Hello? This is the office of Digos Brescia: she is the owner of the banner? ". Who thought it would be a joke of the carnival, should think again. The Brescia banners removed in recent days are the focus of attention of the Digos, the operating division of the State Police reporting directly to the Ministry of Interior. The complaint by the Attorney Leg Brescia demands to know what precisely happened: it is a crime to display banners demanding the resignation of the Prime Minister? Who ordered the removal of the one hanging from the balcony in Via Schivardi? Why did you move the Digos? "The agent who called me to verify my general - said the member of leg, a victim of the blitz on Sunday - could not explain why his colleagues have spoken. He would not tell me anything. But the other night, the two officers knocked at my house, scared the neighbors with the way they do. They were in civilian clothes, were classified as agents Digos and requested information about who lived in that apartment, because they had to remove the banner. And since no one was there, they asked the ladder and they did everything themselves: they climbed onto the balcony and I took away the banner. Still hardly believe it. " After the letters to newspapers el'esposto the Chief Prosecutor of Brescia, there were no official responses. One new aspect is the call from police headquarters.
"We look forward to someone tell us if it is a crime to expose a cartel to demand the resignation of Mr Berlusconi - said Sandra Bonsanti, president of Freedom and Justice - are waiting for someone to tell us why the Digos is working on an application of the law and that is solemnly and openly announced in front of 15 000 people Palasharp of Milan, last February 5, as well as signed by more than 100,000 citizens. In what country are we living in? Brescia These are perhaps the dress rehearsal of the reform that the government is preparing to launch, entrusting it to the police initiative and the review of investigations increasingly removed from public ministry? "

of: Olga Piscitelli

http : / /

A banner removed by officers of the Digos, the other torn and replaced with a bag of excrement left on the balcony . It happens in Brescia, happens to us. Two members of Freedom and Justice are finished in the middle of a strange case that smacks of intimidation. A yellow-edged at all clear with lots of letters to newspapers and exposed the prosecutor. The story began long ago, since when the association launched its Resign , addressed to the Chairman of the Council. A collection of signatures is the theme of a peaceful mobilization, culminating with a meeting of the Palasharp February 5 and continues through awareness campaigns in all cities. In Brescia, the circle of leg, decided to hang banners on balconies with an invitation to resign turned to Silvio Berlusconi. "B. offend Italy, resign "," B, please, resign "," B. shame resign. " Within a few days the city is filled, today there are still about fifty to the streets of downtown and a little 'over, on the outskirts.
few days ago, one of the members of the Leg, when open the blinds in the morning, finds that his banner was torn, torn to shreds. In its place, check the porch with a bag of excrement that seems to accompany a note: "Here is the lunch of the Communists, signed SB. A stunt, says the spot, the victim. The timely arrival of policemen stir up agitation Who called them? "They come with the same diligence when you call them for a car parked prohibited, is surprised the owner of the apartment, in St. Anne area. A municipal regulation would prohibit the display banners and clothes that offend the dignity of the city. Perhaps, say the neighbors, it's that. The "gift" does not speak any found on the balcony. Sure that this is just an act of bad taste, the hosts decided not to go further, not to press charges.
But then history is repeating itself. This time, not all those that are hands off the second banner, the walls of the house of another member LEG. The banner of Via Schivardi, was removed and seized on Sunday by officials of Digos that occurred at the home of a neighbor, since in the apartment with the banner there was none. The officers identified themselves, asked for a ladder and climbed to the balcony have removed the banner of anti-Knight. That apartment, in the process of restructuring, it is still inhabited. On the balcony, hanging on an old sheet with the words: "B., Please Resign (you and your court than 315 slaves)."
What happened? "Exhibiting a banner is a crime? If so, what rule was violated? If so, what authority it is such a challenge? Doing so is the responsibility of Digos? Not for the magistrate to order a seizure, and only in the presence of a crime? ". These questions , black and white, were sent a letter to the newspapers of the city. The owner has seen fit to make a complaint to the prosecutor, to understand better. The members of the law and Brescia are surprised that "in Italy you're getting to the point that it is not lawful to demand the resignation of a prime minister not estimated.

. Anche le cose sognano.. Regenesi
