Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Woman Bottomless Can See Vulva

A quote leads to another - I. Calvin and D. Pennac

"(...) already in the window of the library identified the cover with the title you're looking for. Following this visual cue you made off in the store through the thick barrier of books you have not read that you frowning from the benches and shelves trying to intimidate you. But you know that you should not let you put in subjection, that together stretched for acres and acres the Books You Can Do A Less Than Reading, Books
made for other uses The Reading, read the books without even needing D'Open them as belonging to the category of bed early even before it was written. And so
exceeds the first boundary of the bulwarks falls upon you and the infantry of Books That If you have more lives to live, too, certainly enjoyed reading them these days but unfortunately you have to live are those who are. With a quick move
bypasses them and carry you in the middle phalanxes of the Books That You Wanted To Read But Before You Read This Of Others,
Books too expensive you would expect to buy them when they are sold at half price, Same As
Books When the above Will be reprinted in paperback,
of the books that you might ask someone if you lend them, they all have
Books Read So It 's almost as if he had read it too.
foiling these attacks, take you under the towers of the fortress, where resistance is

the Books for so long you plan to read,

the Books has sought for years without finding,

the book about something that you busy at this time,

Books That Want to keep them handy in any eventuality,

Books that you could set aside for reading them even this summer,

Books To you miss it with other Books On Your Shelves,

Books that inspire you Curiosities A Sudden, frenetic and not clearly justified.

Here you could reduce the unlimited number of forces in the field to a set some very large but still calculable in a finite number , although this relative relief you are under attack by the ambush of the book read long ago that it would Time to reread
and books you've always done pretended to read them while I would now decide to actually read.

you with free and rapid zig zag penetrate a leap in the citadel of The New Cui author or topic attracts you. Even inside this stronghold you can create some gaps in the ranks of the defenders dividing them into New Topics copyright or Not New (for you or at all) and News Topics copyright or completely unknown (at least to you) and define the attraction they exert on you according to your wishes and needs of new and not new (the new circles that is not new and not new that in the new circles).

All this to say which routes quickly with a glance the titles of books displayed in the library, you directed your steps to a stack if a winter's night a traveler hot off the press, I've grabbed a copy and ' You have brought the case because it is established on your property right on it. (...) "
Italo Calvino Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I diritti imprescindibili del lettore

1. Il diritto di non leggere
2. Il diritto di saltare le pagine
3. Il diritto di non finire un libro
4. Il diritto di rileggere
5. Il diritto di leggere qualsiasi cosa
6. Il diritto al bovarismo* (malattia testualmente contagiosa)
7. Il diritto di leggere ovunque
8. Il diritto di spizzicare
9. Il diritto di leggere a voce alta
10. Il diritto di tacere

* Il termine bovarismo indica l’attitudine degli uomini a credersi e a vedere le cose diversamente da quelle che sono, a sognare delle felicità irrealizzabili, irraggiungibili.
Questo termine è stato coniato da Barbey D’Aurevilly e deriva dal cognome della protagonista del celbre romanzo di Flaubert, Madame Bovary. Flaubert si è ispirato ad un fatto di cronaca: la vicenda di Delphine Delamare. Questa donna aveva suscitato scandalo in un borgo della Normandia, per le sue manie di grandezza, le sue spese eccessive e la sua voracità nel leggere romanzi, infine si era suicidata, perchè travolta dai debiti. L’eroina di Flaubert sceglie una realtà fittizia che le da maggiore gratificazione.

                                                                                                      Daniel Pennac, Come un romanzo


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