First signatories: Andrea Camilleri, Luigi Ciotti, Margherita Hack, Dacia Maraini, Moni Ovadia, Igiaba Scego
First meeting in Rome to protest outside Montecitorio Thursday, February 24 16:00
for membership: gelsomini2011@gmail.com
Bread, work, democracy, welcome
OF THE MEDITERRANEAN GELSOMINIThere is an Italy that is recognized in the lesson of courage and dignity that comes from the Arab world. The scent of jasmine
arrive in our country, including the boats full of young people with their application for the future.
The message he brings with him tells us that it is not required to suffer the theft of the future, the seizure of democracy, nor the hunger for bread, work and freedom.
We confirm that you can take back control of their destiny, and together write a new history for their country and the world. Show
the wind of change that can be raised even where it seems more difficult. Today
blows from a region of old and new colonialists robbed, oppressed by corrupt officials and sold, raped by war and terrorism, too often disputed, divided and humiliated.
Raise your head you can, even when it is immensely expensive, as the price that the Libyan people are paying at this time for defying the dictator.
We are all affected by what happens beyond the sea. The hopes and fears, successes and tragedies of the Arab uprisings have also designed our future. We live
stuck in the middle of the Mediterranean and it is from here that always came much of our history. We can not
remain silent, while the Italian government is silent, anxious only to prevent the arrival of migrants to our shores, and still defends Colonel Gaddafi.
We join our voices to demand an end to repression in Libya and in all other countries affected by the revolt of jasmine, from Yemen to Bahrain as far afield as China.
to support democratic processes in Tunisia and Egypt, and the dismantling of the old regimes.
To strengthen democratic civil societies emerging from years of hiding and exile.
policies for real dialogue between cultures and to promote "cultural rights" of the people involved.
The revision of the unequal and unjust arrangements imposed by our economies to the previous regimes.
To the end of occupation and wars throughout the region.
To close the season of rejections and externalization of borders, the season of war migrants.
demand that migrants on the southern shore is, in this situation exceptional, immediately granted the status of temporary protection.
We can not accept that the reaction to Italian and European democratic revolutions in the Arab world and the construction of a wall of military ships at sea.
to the dead in the streets these days are adding yet too many have died at sea. It's time to say enough!
We ask all and all to sign this appeal, to make it run, to be heard.
first appointment in Rome, Thursday, February 24 at 16.00 in front of House.
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