5 th Day of Slow Living in New York
The World Day of Slow is an event that is the brainchild of The Art of Living with non-profit organization Slow to reflect on the damage of economic, environmental, social and cultural life at breakneck speed. Each of us is called to change his piece of the world with their ideas and their enthusiasm.
the motto "Go Slow, Be Happy" the ideas promoted by the friends of "Living with Slowness" landing in New York. This is a group of pax meeting in a non-profit organization which, having revolutionized their lives, plans and organizes social communication campaigns to reflect on the lasting changes in lifestyle, in harmony with others and the environment in the world promoting the "Day of Slow Living". Social gatherings and events that combine culture, nature and environment, micro interventions in support of labor in poor countries. In a world increasingly devoted to speed and complexity, slow down at the individual level is therefore the first step to a better life, overcome difficulties, overcome the fear of uncertainty, find solutions and restore confidence in the future, even in times of severe economic crisis such as those we are experiencing.
The next economic miracle and social will be the result of a thousand small actions di mille piccole persone che si moltiplicheranno all'infinito.
Il loro presidente è Bruno Contigiani, giornalista e scrittore ed ex manager IBM e Telecom Italia che, in testa al gruppo, incoraggia la fiducia nel futuro sostenendo l'impegno di ogni singola persona nella costruzione di un tessuto sociale in accordo con le diverse esigenze e latitudini.
Il 28 febbraio 2011 è la 5^ Giornata Mondiale della Lentezza, una manifestazione che nasce per riflettere sui danni economici, ambientali, sociali e culturali del vivere a folle velocità. Ognuno di noi è chiamato a cambiare il suo pezzettino di mondo con le proprie idee e il proprio entusiasmo.
Il tema della giornata è: "Ambiziosi e Altruisti - Slow Life, Green Life, Better Life. "
Here is the schedule of events that includes a series of events during the course of the week: Monday, February 28, 2011
- Fines and video interviews with passers-by Union Square in a hurry to ask them if this race makes them happy
- Work with young singers on the streets of Italian Opera (Veronica Giorgetti, soprano; Ranzi Stefano, bass; Creusa Suardi, soprano; Tamura Suardi, mezzo-soprano); in Collaboration with Vittadini Conservatory of Pavia, Union Square
- performance artist Lyuba: The Slowly Project - Take your time, Union Square
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
10:00 am - Meeting with students at New York University: Ambitions and Altruism - People, Profit, Planet. Three Ps for a weconomy. Speeches by Prof. Alberto Bisin (New York University), Bruno Contigiani (president of the Art of Living with Slow), Prof. Claudio Baccarani (University of Verona), Enrico Castroville (EAEE-president of Italy). Performance of young opera singers.
19:00 pm - Dinner with the Italian Academy of Cuisine in collaboration with Berardo Paradiso (President of IACE) - Jolly Hotel Madison. Speech by Bruno Contigiani. Performance of young opera singers.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Performance artist Lyuba - The Slowly Project - Take your time:
- Museum Mile 9:30 to 11:30 - of young opera singers at the Metropolitan Museum
- Times Square 12:00 to 14:30
- Armory Show Opening 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Thursday, March 3, 2011
- MILUX Cafe, Maria Teresa Cometto and Glauco Maggi, journalists: Their Speaking about New York. Performance of young opera singers.
Friday, March 4, 2011 11:00
- Fiorello LaGuardia High School - Meeting with students and teachers of speech Bruno Contigiani take a vow of vastness. Performance of young opera singers
18:00 pm - Meeting in Madison Square with Shore Walkers Association (New York, famous for its Great Saunter, a walk of 32 miles along the canals of the city), terrace in front of the Flatiron Building. Performance of young opera singers.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
- Share & Shore Walk walk 8 miles with the Shore Walkers, including Cy Adler is the president, along the Hudson River from 72nd Street to South Street Seaport. Departure from Heartland Brewery at 10:30 am. Performance of young opera singers.
More information is available at www.vivereconlentezza.it .
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