Thursday, February 3, 2011

How To Grow Veggies In A Mini Green House

L'intelligenza di Beppe Severgnini

Ne sono convinto. Oltre ad essere il giornalista italiano - vivente - più conosciuto all'estero, Beppe Severgnini è, adesso, anche il più innovativo e sperimentatore tra i contemporanei. Come direbbero i cultori del "business English": possiamo a pieno titolo definirlo smart!

Perchè? Ha anticipato ministeri e sistemi elettorali inventando di sana pianta la categoria degli "Italians, gli italiani all'estero" ; ha scritto il primo libro cartaceo con una intera bibliografia fatta solo da fonti prese dal web (soprattutto YouTube ), La pancia degli italiani ; ha convinto your publisher to publish a version of that book almost exclusively as an application designed for the iPad. Now he has opened the video section on the Corriere della Sera , "Three minutes, a word" .

What is special about this section? First, the concept . Someone said that words are important . Nothing could be more true! Often, however, we are not aware of terms used in a totally wrong and attribute meaning that they never had, twisting the meaning. Severgnini analyzes one of the many words spoken at random in Italy and gives the original meaning, completely offsetting the context in which has been done by political or public figure in office.

And then graphic . Very nice. Excellent found to be inserted into a notebook for notes, almost like a sketch drawn and animated by the flow of the pages. Left a notebook on their desk they rely on the deepest thoughts but also the ideas socks. What is the Italian journalist would portray as a cartoon (aside Vincenzo Mollica) and with Viking horns? The rapidity

expressed by the title of the book, then, is the trump card to break through the Net

I hope this book will continue as much as possible and, perhaps, has an emanation even tv ...

This is the first installment in the video section of Beppe Severgnini on .


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