Cardinal Cesare Baronio nel XVI secolo, sotto il pontificato di Papa Gregorio XIII ebbe il compito di revisionare il "Martirologio Romano" (registro di tutti i martiri della storia della cristianità) unificando tutti quelli esistenti nelle varie chiese, compreso quello Hieronymianum - Geronimiano risalente al IV secolo, che già menzionava un S. Valentino di Terni.
In quest'opera del cardinale, completata tra il 1586 e il 1589, che prese il nome di Martyrologium Romanum, cum Notationibus Caesaris Baronii" compare anche un S. Valentino romano che morì sotto l'imperatore Claudio nel 268 circa e di cui si dice: " 14 febbraio, in Roma, sulla via Flaminia, natale di san Valentino, presbitero e martire, che dopo aver operato varie guarigioni, insigne per cultura, fu ucciso e decollato sotto Claudio Cesare"
che insieme al S. Valentino di Terni che morì sotto the Emperor Aurelian in 273 about saying, "Feb. 14, in Terni, magnificence of St. Valentine, who, after being beaten he was imprisoned for a long time and not being able to win the its strength in mid-night, secretly dragged out of the prison, was taken off by the prefect of Rome, Placido "
icredibile has contributed to a confusion about the role of patron of lovers who, being an orphan support historical profile has a definite split.
The Passio, ancient compositions, chronicles of the time, who do not have great historical value because they are subject to various processes, do not contribute to , uniquely define the figure of the saint.
In "Passio Marthae Maris, et Audiface Habakkuk", which refers Valentine's Day to tell how Roman Emperor Claudius II Goth, coming to his incarceration of a Roman priest acclaimed for his holiness, I want to know and asks "Why" "not want to be our friend by giving up worshiping gods and superstitions?" Valentino says: "If you knew the grace of God would not say so, but despise your idols and worship the Lord in heaven. " Claudius, who was struck by his dialectic entrusts it to his prefect so Calpurnius the judge in accordance with the law, but instead delivers it to Calpurnius one of his officers, the princeps Asterius, saying: "Try to dissuade the man with mellifluous speeches." Asterius door to his house Valentino which exclaims: "Lord Jesus, the true light, illuminates this house so that its inhabitants will know God." "I feel that invokes Christ as a light" answers Asterius. "Well, if your God will give sight to my daughter, who is blind from the age of two years, will give you everything you want." Valentino began to pray, approaches the girl, laying the hands over his eyes, and here is the miracle, the girl regains his sight and the whole family converts. When Claudius learns of the conversion order that Valentino is headed, it takes place and his remains are rescued by the matron Sevinilla. In a second more recent version of the Passio says that Valentine was buried on the second mile of the Via Flaminia, where the Pope Julius I is building a basilica ( whose remains are still visible at the Catacombs of St. Valentine). From the Catalogue Liberiano" risalente al IV secolo apprendiamo però che Giulio I, al secondo miglio della via Flaminia fece costruire una basilica " fecit... basilicam via Flaminia mill II quae appellatur Valentini" ma " costruì una basilica al secondo miglio della via Flaminia dedicata a Valentino" riferendosi probabilmente al benefattore che aveva finanziato la costruzione, che nei secoli successivi venne erroneamente venerato come santo.
Del S. Valentine of Terni is expected to be of noble origin born in 175 at about Interamna Nahars, modern Terni, converted to Christianity in 197, just 21 years, was consecrated bishop by the bishop of Terni Feliciano Foligno who was then the privilege of the pallium (from the Latin pallium - cloak of wool that is a strip of white wool that is wrapped around his shoulders, symbolizing the sheep carried on the shoulders of the shepherd - Christ and refers to pastoral role of those who wearing it) now reserved exclusively to the bishop of Rome or the Papa che può concederlo ad alcuni arcivescovi metropoliti e primati. Una tarda Passio racconta di come Valentino fosse stato invitato a Roma dall' oratore e filosofo Cratone, per guarire il figlio Cheremonte che oltre ad essere muto, aveva anche la schiena così incurvata che era costretto a stare con la testa tra le ginocchia, Valentino guarì il ragazzo e Cratone la sua famiglia e tre suoi discepoli ateniesi: Apollonio Efebo e Proculo, con il loro amico Abbondio anch'egli discepolo di Cratone e figlio del prefetto Placido, si convertono al cristianesimo, Senators made aware of the history of conversions, are imprisoned Valentine and make every effort to do so but can not renounce, the chief Placido then gives the order to behead him, Apollonius, and Efebo Proculo recover his body and bury him in an early Christian cemetery on a hill, at the sixty-fourth mile of the Via Flaminia near Terni, the audacity of the three boys has paid a heavy price, however, because they are processed by the consular Leander, , decapitated and then buried by his near Abbondio sepolcro di Valentino .
Anche in questo caso nel IV secolo viene edificata una basilica sul sepolcro di S. Valentino che fu distrutta nel VI secolo dai Goti e ricostruita nel VII secolo in due spazi di tempo diversi uno che va dal 625 al 632 ed uno che va dal 642 al 648 in cui la chiesa fu gestita dai Benedettini, Il re dei longobardi Liutprando, nel 742, scelse la basilica come luogo di incontro con il Papa Zaccaria, proprio per le preziose reliquie che custodiva e in quell'occasione donò Sutri the Church of Rome and several other cities in the seventeenth century under the pontificate of Paul VI began the research in the basilica of the saint's relics which were found in a leaden box 21 June 1605 Gianantonio by Onorato, the bishop of Terni, on this occasion it was reconstructed on the ruins of the existing ones a new basilica was finished in 1618. Archduke Leopold of Austria after a visit to the basilica took place in 1625 decided to finance the construction of a new main altar, which was completed in 1632, behind this altar is "the confession of St. Valentine" or an altar which is located above the tomb of the saint and the center of which was placed a painting of the seventeenth century, depicting the martyrdom of the saint.
With 'edict of Constantine in 313 promossse freedom of religion of Christianity, was embodied in the liturgical feast of Terni, where the faithful were celebrating St. Valentino, the cult spread to Italy and it appears that helped dismantle the pagan ritual of the pagan festival of Lupercalia in which random draw names of young women and young children who formed of the couples who for a whole year had to share the intimacy to propitiate fertility under the protection of the gods. You are not sure whether there is a connection between this pagan ritual and the fact that S. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers, as you are not sure that it has become celebrated for the belief that marriages between Christians and pagans, or because it falls on February 14th in a time of year when nature comes into season love, anyway, the eighth century by the Benedictines S. Valentino is known throughout Europe and today the festival is celebrated in worldwide even though the liturgical calendar in 1969 did not deem a party and in its place are the Saints Cyril and Methodius Evangelizar Slavs.
S. Valentino is portrayed with a pastoral staff, the palm and an epileptic child, is the patron saint of Terni, lovers, lovers, and epilepsy.
icredibile has contributed to a confusion about the role of patron of lovers who, being an orphan support historical profile has a definite split.
In "Passio Marthae Maris, et Audiface Habakkuk", which refers Valentine's Day to tell how Roman Emperor Claudius II Goth, coming to his incarceration of a Roman priest acclaimed for his holiness, I want to know and asks "Why" "not want to be our friend by giving up worshiping gods and superstitions?" Valentino says: "If you knew the grace of God would not say so, but despise your idols and worship the Lord in heaven. " Claudius, who was struck by his dialectic entrusts it to his prefect so Calpurnius the judge in accordance with the law, but instead delivers it to Calpurnius one of his officers, the princeps Asterius, saying: "Try to dissuade the man with mellifluous speeches." Asterius door to his house Valentino which exclaims: "Lord Jesus, the true light, illuminates this house so that its inhabitants will know God." "I feel that invokes Christ as a light" answers Asterius. "Well, if your God will give sight to my daughter, who is blind from the age of two years, will give you everything you want." Valentino began to pray, approaches the girl, laying the hands over his eyes, and here is the miracle, the girl regains his sight and the whole family converts. When Claudius learns of the conversion order that Valentino is headed, it takes place and his remains are rescued by the matron Sevinilla. In a second more recent version of the Passio says that Valentine was buried on the second mile of the Via Flaminia, where the Pope Julius I is building a basilica ( whose remains are still visible at the Catacombs of St. Valentine). From the Catalogue Liberiano" risalente al IV secolo apprendiamo però che Giulio I, al secondo miglio della via Flaminia fece costruire una basilica " fecit... basilicam via Flaminia mill II quae appellatur Valentini" ma " costruì una basilica al secondo miglio della via Flaminia dedicata a Valentino" riferendosi probabilmente al benefattore che aveva finanziato la costruzione, che nei secoli successivi venne erroneamente venerato come santo.
Anche in questo caso nel IV secolo viene edificata una basilica sul sepolcro di S. Valentino che fu distrutta nel VI secolo dai Goti e ricostruita nel VII secolo in due spazi di tempo diversi uno che va dal 625 al 632 ed uno che va dal 642 al 648 in cui la chiesa fu gestita dai Benedettini, Il re dei longobardi Liutprando, nel 742, scelse la basilica come luogo di incontro con il Papa Zaccaria, proprio per le preziose reliquie che custodiva e in quell'occasione donò Sutri the Church of Rome and several other cities in the seventeenth century under the pontificate of Paul VI began the research in the basilica of the saint's relics which were found in a leaden box 21 June 1605 Gianantonio by Onorato, the bishop of Terni, on this occasion it was reconstructed on the ruins of the existing ones a new basilica was finished in 1618. Archduke Leopold of Austria after a visit to the basilica took place in 1625 decided to finance the construction of a new main altar, which was completed in 1632, behind this altar is "the confession of St. Valentine" or an altar which is located above the tomb of the saint and the center of which was placed a painting of the seventeenth century, depicting the martyrdom of the saint.
With 'edict of Constantine in 313 promossse freedom of religion of Christianity, was embodied in the liturgical feast of Terni, where the faithful were celebrating St. Valentino, the cult spread to Italy and it appears that helped dismantle the pagan ritual of the pagan festival of Lupercalia in which random draw names of young women and young children who formed of the couples who for a whole year had to share the intimacy to propitiate fertility under the protection of the gods. You are not sure whether there is a connection between this pagan ritual and the fact that S. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers, as you are not sure that it has become celebrated for the belief that marriages between Christians and pagans, or because it falls on February 14th in a time of year when nature comes into season love, anyway, the eighth century by the Benedictines S. Valentino is known throughout Europe and today the festival is celebrated in worldwide even though the liturgical calendar in 1969 did not deem a party and in its place are the Saints Cyril and Methodius Evangelizar Slavs.
S. Valentino is portrayed with a pastoral staff, the palm and an epileptic child, is the patron saint of Terni, lovers, lovers, and epilepsy.
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