all women will the streets to restore dignity to all women
La mia amica Anna Bravo, storica, che lo scorso ottobre è stata al Centro Anziani per parlare di Lidia Fontana, ha scritto questo articolo l'8 febbraio sulle pagine di Repubblica, che mi piace riproporvi.
Non capisco perché alcuni uomini debbano fare appello alla propria componente femminile per indignarsi di fronte al cosiddetto Rubygate, mentre avrebbero di che indignarsi in prima persona. A uscire devastata dalla vicenda è più the male image that the female image.
girls who sell themselves - a fact that brings anxiety, because the first youth is a delicate mixture of cunning, ingenuity, desire to dominate, vulnerability.
But above that only men with money and power have their body (or maybe just their attention) and rewarding with gifts bought in bulk.
Yet while many of us are concerned about the dignity of women, no man has felt the need to defend one of the male gender.
course, the model Berlusconi is so raw and symbolically violent that for a man of good will can be difficult vederlo come una ferita inferta (anche) alla propria immagine. Ma, cari, quel modello vi rappresenta in giro per il mondo.
Mi stupisce che la vergogna provata da tanti di voi riguardi l´essere italiani, e non l´essere uomini italiani.
Vi sentite incolpevoli? ma allora dovreste sentirvi incolpevoli anche come italiani. Berlusconi vi sembra un alieno? forse, ma non cambia il fatto che appartenete allo stesso sesso.
Alcuni uomini (penso a singoli, all´associazione Maschile plurale, a vari altri gruppi) hanno capito da decenni che non aver mai commesso stupro non basta a chiamarsi fuori da un mondo maschile in cui la violenza contro le donne si ripete ogni giorno. Uno sforzo, e potreste capire che neppure from the debasement of women can be called out, that there is a responsibility
supra - of course, not as a general strike / generic or original damnation, but in the sense that the mean Amery: as the sum of the actions and omissions that contribute to making ( or let it survive) a climate.
I am not referring only to sex on sale, and even the risk of degradation that weighs on relations between men and women - political problem par excellence, in spite of who prays: "let's get back to serious things."
mean a climate in which the women's words are often not required, and if so, we listen with the left ear, where the vertices of any reality is male clan. And so on. A climate, too, in which very few and very few can grow old in peace without dream / fear / loathe the beauty and youth.
Before indignant over a third woman, some of you could help with memory. In Sixty-eight and with greater force in feminism, there was a good idea to ask people to speak from that place, and the place was his personal situation, behavior, ideology, the establishment of which was part and much yet.
You talk as if you lived in a clean room, with a filter at the entrance to protect you from infection with the ugliness of others, and an exit to make your restyling - different, why not? but still ugly.
speak as if the good will and a bit 'of good taste as it will put you above the parties. That may explain some outlandish statements, but he also suspects that in the back of your mind rest the old philosophy that the male equivalent to the universal.
understand that the two subjects, men and women, and that can not be the first second, for us it was a delight. Come, let us not repeat things so obvious!
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