Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Does Tingling In The Fingertips Mean?

In reality and in appearance

In realtà questa è una normalissima foto di un fungo (che tra l'altro è anche molto buono), però in apparenza  racchiude in sé una particolarità, riuscite a individuare qual'è?
Non si vince nulla, però potrete apprezzare il pleasure to unleash your imagination!

Post Scrittum

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
Good for imagination provision of this post and good because you failed to see:

the eye that scrutinizes!

now seen that does not belong to an animal, the hypotheses are two:
1 maybe I photographed a gnome and that is his real appearance or
2 maybe I photographed a leaf wrapped around some kind fruit, seed or other, wet with the dew that created this optical illusion.
in which case you prefer to believe?


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