Friday, January 28, 2011

Coach Store Letter Can't Buy

The containers and those funny guys Region

On January 20 came in a letter from the City Public Works Department , Soil, Montana Economy Forests and the Piedmont Region, by which the executive in charge demands the return of its housing units - that is, the container on the State in which the Roma family of 6 persons has so far spent the winter - because an inspection was not found an their use is consistent with the request of the City. And mentioning our motivation: "... to meet the emergency housing growing in our area due to increased enforcement of evictions." In their view, reasons do not exist.

The letter also brings up an argument dear to many who have made it a battle cry against the Administration, to the gypsy camp temporarily put on by the city just to deal with emergency housing. It reads: "The modules were located within an area of \u200b\u200bcommunal property used in illegal gypsy camp". What is not true.

Good. The nomads have destroyed their houses complying with an order of the City, and were therefore homeless. For containers that have been applied to the Civil Defense, just for emergency housing.

I was impressed by the absolute absence, in the letter of the Region, a reference to any human being is in there, as if six people - two parents who live there for at least 16 years, 4 daughters, three of them children - did not exist, and there was only the problem that container.

I tried the commissioner of the Region Ravello, I left my phone number. I was not called. Institutional rudeness? It 's true, I do not belong to his political education, but just this, not to recall a mayor who is looking for you?

You could start a battle on the issue, with those funny guys of the Region. But we do not. We will find another solution for the life of these people who are living here for many years and do not want to leave, with l'augurio che alle figlie possa toccare un futuro migliore rispetto ai loro genitori.
Con l'augurio, anche, che sia per sempre bandita la storia che ci racconta la Mostra ora esposta in Comune in occasione del Giorno della Memoria, dove si parla delle persecuzioni dei Rom durante il Nazismo, e dei loro bimbetti simpaticamente seppelliti vivi.


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