Monday, January 17, 2011

Camera Repair Replace Front Element

City Council for the band, choir and the City of Creswell

Oggi alle 17,30 (un'ora che il Ministero dei Beni Culturali ritiene congrua, tanto che ha chiesto a tutti i Consigli Comunali italiani di riunirsi oggi, e tutti proprio a quest'ora) ci riuniremo - Maggioranza e Opposizione - in Consiglio, nella sala del nostro Common, where we want to recognize as interest groups, the Municipal Association Musicale Luigi Arditi, and propose to introduce in 2011 the budget item "Contribution to the enhancement of the activities of the group of amateur and folk music."
The measure will then be sent to the President of the National Board for the Promotion of Popular Music and Amateur at the Ministry of Culture.
What is this little ceremony? It 'a kind of consecration for those groups that operate in the non-profit, as happens with bands, and promote our music and attend events official or otherwise, during the year.
a letter, the Ministry has invited us to hold a council dedicated today at 17.30, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy.
Our band will be recognized as the other municipalities participating in the initiative, the National Interest.
And 'thank you to those who occupy his free time in these situations that make up the soundtrack to life of every community.
It seemed like a good thing. The more beautiful, almost romantic, it does today, with news coming from the Tg, an Italy which tells of the power and debauchery that has nothing to do with normal people, and the difficulties of their everyday life.
(Emilia and agitated: do not worry, Emily, will be all right)


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