Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Civic Front Bumper Plate Bracket

Red investigated for Terre d'Acqua

From "La Stampa on Jan. 18, 2011 - Vercelli

edition of Robert Martini
sprout six names in the investigation on land of water. They are at the bottom of the notification by the extension of the investigation, requested by the prosecutor that the accounts of the Foundation commissioned an audit report. And are the names of six suspects: Roberto Rosso, Alessandro Giolito, Tino Candeli, Nicola Sirchia, Saviola and Roberto Gianfranco Chessa.Finora was known only Alexander's position Giolito, former Councillor of Trinity and a former member of the Board of Directors of land of water: for this dual position is under investigation for abuse of office.

It 's the first time however that shows the name of the parliamentary Trino Roberto Rosso, that land of water was responsible. The case for the prosecution to the deputy, and now regional coordinator of the fli are peculiar (in a period between 2005 and 2008), disturbed public auctions of freedom (in a period prior to February 2007) and aggravated fraud to obtain public funds (on several occasions from February to December 2007). Still embezzlement, freedom of the public upset charms and fraud are the hypothesis of charge for freelance Casale Nicola Sirchia, the only peculiar to the merchant and city councilor Tino Candeli Vercelli. The former provincial councilor Roberto Saviolo is under investigation for bribery instead, with incidents of the summer of 2006, while the former Director General of the Province Gianfranco Chessa the idea of \u200b\u200bimpeachment is serious fraud. Roberto Rosso, Alessandro Giolito, Nicola Sirchia and Tino Candles are called in as administrators of the Foundation, and Gianfranco Chessa Roberto Saviolo as representatives of the Province in respect of land of water.

Other details of the investigation conducted by the section di polizia giudiziaria dei carabinieri e coordinata dal sostituto procuratore Pier Luigi Pianta, al momento non emergono. La nuova perizia - è l’unico commento degli inquirenti - è anche a tutela degli interessi degli indagati. Restano invece le notizie dei sequestri di documenti dalla sede trinese della Fondazione, in corso Italia, e la lunga serie di interrogatori a Palazzo di giustizia di Vercelli di persone che, per ragioni diverse, hanno ricevuto compensi dalla Fondazione, nata nel 2005 come società consortile a responsabilità limitata, controllata per il 62,5 per cento dalla Provincia e per il 37,5 dal Comune di Trino.L’ex assessore Giolito, già in settembre, si era detto tranquillo: il suo ruolo era contemplato dallo statuto City of Three. Today is

Roberto Rosso instead to speak: "I think it's crazy. We have avoided touching us the money, in fact, the Foundation has a CEO. We have never done great things. We have not taken or extorted money: I challenge anyone to prove otherwise. " Tranquility is also the slogan of the parliamentary Three: 'It is right that the judiciary occurs. And I trust it is shown that complete foreignness to all charges. We are assured of not having done nothing to be ashamed of ourselves. " Indeed, Red reverses the concept: "This is a story linked to cultural activities that I'm proud that I do not think of any failure could have created tipo».Tra le ipotesi d’accusa il peculato e la truffa per ottenere erogazioni pubbliche.


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